It is fun to spin ! around I like to jump ! around
Will the cat the mouse? c Hey diddle, diddle, The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such fun, and the dish ran away with the spoon. atch
An orca is also called a killer ! awhle
Watch out! The fishmatch ! Put your left fin in, take your left fin out! You do the fishy pokey and you turn yourself, that's what its all about ! around
Why are these swimming in a circle? It is a good way for them to fish. wha a leses round catch
Humpback are the 5 th largest animals on earth. whaleses
How cats are there? many The one the hat is cute! with Why is this one running in circles? around
An elephant a hat and sunglasses is very unusual! with
The cute fish match! The fish spots do not withmatch!
erries, eese, and ipmunk all start with. Ch ch The ipmunks mat !. ch
It takes a really big mouth to omp on a sandwich that big! ch He has a very big in,too! ch
Turkey has a that says ! y ē I’m a icken! a, a, a! ch Ch I’m not a icken! I’m a turkey.` ch
It was fun to M&M’s. You can almost anything. Here is a of class pets. How dogs are on this graph? graph graph graph many
Dol in, ele ant, one, and all have. The says. gr ph a a f How students like blue? m ph ny
Buzz Lightyear has a big chin!n!
I love to I’m going to the pet to get a dog! shop!p! op
It’s time to up something good to eat! whip