LOGO Linux Installation
Linux Distribution Including shells, libraries, tools, compiler, servers, applications. Redhat, Fedora, Mandrake, SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo… Live CDs You can make your own Linux distribution. This slide is based on Ubuntu
Before Installation Modify the boot sequence to boot your computer form CD-ROM Make sure your hardware and device A clear head and relaxed mind Some drinks and food
Disks and Partitions /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc, … /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, … /dev/sda, /dev/scd0, … Mount Points / /swap …
Partition Division Four methods Resize the partition and use freed space Erase entire disk Use the largest continuous free space Manually edit partition table Choose a proper one or edit it manually.
Partition Division (cont.)
Swap partition is usually twice as RAM when it is less than 1GB No more than four primary partition including root partition and swap partition If four isn’t enough, use extend partition Make sure all your mount points are correct
End of Installation After dividing partitions, you only need to click your mouse. After installation, reboot and enjoy your Linux! Installation by text mode is the same as graphic mode
ubuntu 正體中文站 鳥哥的私房菜
LOGO Compiling Linux kernel
What is Linux Kernel? Kernel is the core of an operating system. Scheduler, task management, memory management, … You need to compile kernel source code to binary in order to run.
When Should We Compile Kernel? You don’t need to compile kernel after Linux installation to run. You can configure your Linux by compiling a new kernel. Add new feature, ex. patch kernel. Support new hardware. Disable functions you don’t need. Develop your own kernel. Etc.
Where to D/L Linux Kernel?
What Does Kernel Version Mean? Naming using [ 主版本 ].[ 次版本 ].[ 修訂版本 ]-[ 附 版本 ]. Odd minor number is testing version. Even minor number is stable version.
Prepare Your Kernel Source Code 1.You need to be root to compile kernel. #su 2.D/L kernel source code. 3.Unzip kernel source code. cd /usr/src tar -zxvf linux-2.x.x.tar.gz 4.Make the link “/usr/src/linux-2.x.x” to the kernel source directory. #ln –s linux-2.x.x linux You may have many versions of Linux source codes
make config #make config #make menuconfig #make xconfig
make config
make config(cont.) If you meet some problems. (SATA) Device Drivers ---> SCSI device support ---> SCSI device support SCSI disk support Device Drivers ---> SCSI device support ---> SCSI low-level drivers ---> [*] Serial ATA (SATA) support
Kernel Compilation 1.#make clean 2.#make bzImage 3.#make modules 4.#make modules_install 5.#mkinitramfs –o /boot/filename 2.x.x 6.(/lib/modules/)
Booting using New Kernel cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.x.x Setup your boot manager. Lilo or Grub
Grub # vim /boot/grub/menu.lst Add the following section: title linux-2.x.x kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.x.x root=/dev/hda1 devfs=mount Reboot.
Any problem Google is your best friend. 2nd are Classmates. 鳥哥的私房菜
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