3/20/00SAP Chicago1 STFX Ron MacKinnon Chair, IS Department Gerald Schwartz School of Business & IS St. Francis Xavier University Nova Scotia, Canada
3/20/00SAP Chicago2 St. Francis Xavier University Private university 3,600 students 900 students in School of Business & IS IS is the fastest growing department in the university 8 full time IS faculty
3/20/00SAP Chicago3 SAP University Alliance Experience 1999 U of South Dakota – common sense advice Florida International U. – IS program similar to ours – academic issues
3/20/00SAP Chicago4 The Process A1 Gather info on ERP & SAP via the Internet. Extensive bookmarks turned into: –ERP References HP –SAP References HP
3/20/00SAP Chicago5 What are other universities doing with SAP/ERP? Created SAP University Links HP – Very useful
3/20/00SAP Chicago6 Invitation Please send the URLS to your SAP pages for
3/20/00SAP Chicago7 Why stop here? SAP Intro, Tutorial HP SAP Jobs HP SAP Books HP SAP PPT Slides ABAP References CRM References
3/20/00SAP Chicago8 The Process B Convince the Dean Convince Business Administration –BSAD Chair appointed –co conspirator Jerry Trites Convince the President –Interesting meeting - TSG.
3/20/00SAP Chicago9 Timelines Discussions with Keith Wright (MMD) April 1999 Support from IS & BSAD Depts.May 1999 University Alliance Agreement Need an academic planMay 1999 – IS Plan Ron MacKinnonMay 1999 – BSAD Plan Jerry TritesMay 1999 SAP Legal contracts - problemsAugust 1999 Dell serverAugust 1999 SAP installedSeptember 1999 First ERP/SAP courseSeptember 1999
3/20/00SAP Chicago10 Costs Dell server $ 33 K CDN SAP annual contract $7.4 K CDN Training travel expenses?
3/20/00SAP Chicago11 Server Configuration Dell PowerEdge 4300 Dual Pentium III 450 MHZ cpus 1 GB DIMM memory GB LVD SCSI 7.2K rpm –109 GB total 35/70 GB DLT7000 Tape Backup Windows NT 4.0
3/20/00SAP Chicago12 Bachelor of Information System (BIS) Degree Year 3 Intro to IS IS Applications COBOL IS Elective Year 4 Systems Analysis Project Management Data Communications IS Elective Computer Organ Operating Systems Using C
3/20/00SAP Chicago13 BIS Electives Operations Research Client/Server & Intranet Systems Design Multimedia Geographic Information Systems Research Methods
3/20/00SAP Chicago14 ERP/SAP Role in IS Degree 345 Introduction to ERP 346 ABAP 347 Implementation, Config & Use of an ERP 418 Topics in IS (ERP) Integrated into: 316 IS Applications (in year 2) 419 Client/Server & Intranets 475 Database Management Systems 416 Project Mgmt
3/20/00SAP Chicago15 Textbooks INFO Prince, Dennis L., Getting Started with SAP R/3, Prima Tech, ISBN Bruyn & Lyfareff., Intro to ABAP/4 Programming for SAP. Revised & Expanded Edition, Prima Tech, ISBN BSAD 417 Bancroft, Seip, Sprengel; Manning, Implementing SAP R/3, Prentice Hall, ISBN: X Three Harvard Cases, Available from Bookstore
3/20/00SAP Chicago16 SAP Role in Bus Admin Degree 417 ERP - Implementation Management Intro Accounting Foundations of Mgmt Managerial Acct Managing in Org Operations Mgmt Electronic Commerce Mgmt of Info Tech Cost Accounting Human Resource Mgmt Managerial Behavior Tech & Change in Org Business Policy
3/20/00SAP Chicago17 The Results SAP installed in early September 1999 First INFO ERP/SAP course fall students Second ERP course spring students First BSAD ERP/SAP course spring students –Subtotal 100 students All third year IS students intro to ERP 130 students Total # of students with ERP instruction 230 students 9 IS/BSAD faculty with SAP training
3/20/00SAP Chicago18 The Future ERP concentration in BIS degree fall 2000 ERP/SAP integrated in INFO courses ERP/SAP integrated into BSAD courses Achieving the goal of – the integration of technology throughout the curriculum of the School of Business & IS
3/20/00SAP Chicago19 Conclusion SAP can be: acquired & installed with a minimum of expense, can be implemented in a fairly short period of time. Where there is a will there is a way. –Need a champion (s). Audentes fortuna juvat –(Fortune favors the daring) Be masters of your own destiny The future is yours. Go for it!
3/20/00SAP Chicago20 Questions?