Chusco was a very old stray dog who lived in a dark alley; so dark, he could barely see who was around.
One winter night, Chusco was shivering with cold and his stomach was rumbling with hunger; he didn’t even feel strong enough to go and find food.
He started to recall a lot of things from when he was younger: playing with friends, helping them when they needed him… But Chusco also had a dream: to be somebody’s pet, to live in a house and to wait for his master at the door.
Chusco saw a shadow coming closer. “Hi, Chusco! How are you? I’ve come to see you.”
Chusco recognized that voice: it belonged to his friend Pirata, who came over every day. “How are you, Pirata? I didn’t see you. I’m getting old and my eyesight keeps getting worse and worse.”
“Don’t worry, Chusco, we’ll all look after you. By the way, have you had anything to eat?” “I don’t feel strong enough to go and find some food”, he answered. “Don’t worry, I’ll go and something for you; you just wait here.”
Pirata went off to get some food. He was sure he would find something in the garbage bin of a nearby restaurant. He was on his way when he came across Michino, a cat.
“Where are you going so fast?”, Michino asked. “I’m going to get some food for Chusco, he is very old and sick. I saw him shivering with cold.” “Poor old Chusco, I’ll find something to keep him warm.”
Michino ran to the fabric store around the corner. He had seen the owner throw some pieces into the bin, which they could use to keep Chusco warm. He was on his way to the store when he met Chiton, a mouse.
“Where are you going so fast, Michino?”, he asked. “I’m going to get a piece of cloth to make a blanket for Chusco, he is sick and very cold.” “Poor old Chusco, I want to help him too. He has let me eat his food many times.”
When Pirata got to the restaurant, he rummaged through the garbage bin and found some food. He didn’t notice that somebody was watching him curiously. The owner of the restaurant wanted to know who the food was for and decided to follow him.
When Michino got to the fabric store, he jumped onto the bin and he looked for a piece of blanket. He didn’t notice that somebody was watching him curiously. The owner of the store wanted to know who the piece of blanket was for and decided to follow him.
When Chiton got home, he looked for the delicious piece of cheese that was in the mousetrap and, risking his life, he got it and ran back out. The owner of the house saw him and decided to follow him.
Pirata was the first to arrive in the alley. “Chusco, I’ve brought you something to eat. You have to eat to get strong.” “Thanks, you are such a good friend. I’m sure I will feel better after eating it.”
Michino arrived next. “Chusco, I’ve brought you a piece of blanket so that you can wrap yourself up and keep warm.” “Thanks, you are such a good friend. I’m sure it’ll keep me nice and warm.” Chiton the mouse arrived last: “Chusco, I’ve brought you a piece of cheese that I grabbed from my mousetrap. I nearly got trapped!” “Thanks, you are such a good friend. But you shouldn’t have risked your life for me.”
The three friends watched Chusco eat. When he finished, Michino wrapped him up in the blanket. They didn’t know that three people were watching them, really moved by what the saw: the owner of the restaurant, the owner of the fabric store and the owner of the house where Chiton lived.
They walked to Chusco and told him: “We’ve seen how well your friends are looking after you. What’s your name?” “My name is Chusco, and these are my friends Pirata, Michino and Chiton.” “They have been so kind”, they said at the same time, “what can we do for you?”
“ I’d love to have a house to live in and somebody to wait for al the door. I am very old, but I can still bark if a stranger lurks around.” The owner of the restaurant said: “You can come and get food whenever you like, so you’ll never be hungry again.”
The owner of the store said: “I can make you a bigger patchwork blanket with little pieces of fabric, so you’ll never be cold again.”
And the owner of the house where Chiton lived said: “I am lonely, you can come and live with me, and we’ll keep each other company.”
And that’s how Chusco’s dream came true.
Since then, his friends have visited him every day, and he tells them about the adventures he had when he was young.
And that is the end of the story.
Comenius teacher team C.E.P.” Francisco Argos” Venta de Baños Palencia España- Spain