Seminar/workshop Marva Rollins Leon Kuforiji Rachel McGreal
Raynham’s context, experience and rationale for ITT. Experiences of trainees Share participants experiences Recommendations for schools, LAs and policy makers/changers at National level.
School’s profile – all major deprivation features Historical issues with recruiting teachers Response “Grow our own” Need teachers who understand our commitment to meeting the needs of children “Schools cannot reverse poverty directly, but they can reduce its impact on children’s life chances.” ‘ Narrowing the Gap – Giving every child the chance to succeed’ Great schools (all schools) need Great Teachers
Participants share contexts Issues of recruitment and retention
No of teachers – 16 GTP/OTT, 8 PGCE placements Greater stability Clear understanding of the school’s ethos Commitment – putting back – know needs of the area Starting point at least ‘Good’ – leadership know this. Have been part of on-going CPD Planning with year groups Limited external appointments
Deputy Head – lead on trainees and NQTS Dedicated Mentor – only role x 2 days Responsible for knowing QTS standards/National Curriculum Ensuring teachers/students knows standards Liaise with class teachers/whole school overview programme Co-ordinates support + other school placements Liaise with universities re placements and observations by tutors, induction of students with Head’s PA Mentoring students through an action plan designed to help them meet their targets and collect evidence against the standards Support for class teachers/joint observations with the them
Class teacher –supporting students/pupil learning Specialist advice/or observation by subject leaders, SENco, Phonics co-ordinators, Child Protection Officer Head’s PA – ensuring students meet all professional requirements, H&S, child protection issues Monitoring of approach by Deputy Head through Appraisal
Middlesex University – GTPs and PGCE Range of London Universities - PGCE Gloucester University – Urban placements Schools Direct – Bowes Alliance
Greater involvement in the process Selection, interviewing, appointing Skills test completed before start of programme September start On-site training across the partnership Expectation of employment – decided to share expectation across the schools in Alliance – address needs for NQTs in summer term
Development of strong partnerships Share expertise Alliance can address concerns from either schools or trainees Dependent on quality of support from schools/teachers Skills tests – good teachers? Maybe more areas for improvement – but stayed close to GTP model for first year
From your experiences : Strengths Areas needing further consideration
Rachel and Leon
What do each of the below need to do to enhance teacher training, recruitment and retention (50% of teachers leave within 5 years + increase in number of pupils in some areas) Schools LA National