ALPHABET АНГЛИЙСКИЙ АЛФАВИТ Aa ant can thank name Kate plane.


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Presentation transcript:


Aa ant can thank name Kate plane

bed bake big Bb

перед e,i,y Cc [k][k][s][s] nice city Сy cat clever doctor

Dd [d][d] dog dad bed

Ee egg pet ten Pete we he

flag fox family Ff [f][f]

Gg [g][g] [ʤ][ʤ] glass goodbye grandmother orange large engineer перед e,i,y

horse hello hat Hh [h]

I i [аi] [ɪ][ɪ] ink pig milk fine like time

jug jump Jane Jj [ʤ][ʤ]

Kk [k][k] kangaroo kitchen kite

lamp lake like Ll [l]

mouse Mike my Mm [m]

nest nine name Nn [n]

Oo [ɒ][ɒ] [ə ʊ ] orange dog stop home nose stone

pin pen pencil Pp [p][p]

queen quiet Qq [kw]

rabbit rose tree Rr [r]

snake sad sing Ss [s][s][z] please boys nose

tree ten time Tt [t][t]

Uu [(j)u ː ] [ʌ][ʌ] umbrella mum bus tube ruler July

vest very cave Vv [v][v]

window well we Ww [w]

box six Xx [ks]

Yy [ɪ][ɪ] [аi] fly goodbye my happy family very

zip zoo lazy Zz [z]

Спасибо за внимание!

Использованная литература: 1. «Английский язык в фокусе»/Н.И. Быкова, Дж.Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс – М.: Просвещение, О. Г. Ахвледиани/Правила чтения английских гласных букв 3. Кузнецова В. «Английский алфавит»