Peter Ogden and Josh Levine
Motivation High level overview Walk through the common operations How not to break things (too badly)
Detailed usage Command reference Internal functionality Advanced topics
Do you… ◦ Use more than one computer? ◦ Collaborate? ◦ Break stuff in unknown ways? ◦ Backup?
Widely used in the open source community ◦ Linux, KDE, LLVM, Github Supported natively in CAS Available for every platform Wide variety of tools and interfaces Offline working
Visible files ◦ Current state of the folder Hidden history ◦ Collection of commits ◦ Reference to the current commit
Contains a diff Has metadata ◦ Message ◦ Time ◦ Author Linked to previous commit Commit ID is the hash of everything
All communication is explicit Push to put things in a remote repository Pull to bring things from a remote repository
Setting up a new repository
Terminology ◦ Tracked – files known to git ◦ Index – files to be committed ◦ Staged – changes in the index adding Untracked Unstaged committing In indexCommitted
Committing and pushing
Two stages in pulling ◦ Fetch all commits from the remote server ◦ Update the local version with remote changes Conflicts ◦ Someone else may have changed the file ◦ Git will try to apply all changes ◦ May require help
The push will fail - “non fast-forward”
Collaborative working
Only add files you mean to ◦ thumbs.db ◦.trash ◦ vim temporary files Failing to pull before a push Make sure everything is committed before pulling
Set name and ◦git config --global user. ◦git config --global “Peter Ogden” Initialise an empty repository ◦git init Committing work
Create remote repository - e.g. on ee-casgit Add remote server ◦ git remote add origin Push to server ◦ git push origin HEAD Remote to push to Commit to push
What is the current state of the repository? ◦git status What has changed since last commit? ◦git diff What is currently in the index? ◦git diff --cached What was the last commit? ◦git show What are all the commits before the current? ◦git log Graphical view of history ◦gitk