Presentation to CHA/CHIP Work Groups August 17, 2012 Meredith Bossin Planning & Development Review
About: the City Charter Continuous and ongoing planning program Guide to regulate and manage future development Direction for all land development decisions, regulations, and capital expenditures Establishes the comprehensive plan and comprehensive planning as a...
Community Engagement Values-Driven Planning Process Community Shapes the Plan Sustainability Environment, Economy, and Equity What Does Sustainability Mean for Austin? Implementation Translating Vision and Goals into Action About: Council Goals
2,979 Community Forum Series #4 246 Neighborhood Plan meetings 373 Working Groups 70 Participation Plan Community Forum Series #1 5,892 Community Forum Series #2 4,211 Community Forum Series #3 4,761 About: Participation 18,532
Inside the plan: Vision The vision statement describes in aspirational terms what Austinites want the city to become by 2039 and establishes the broadest context for decision-making.
Land Use & Transportation (LUT) includes Urban Design & Historic Preservation Housing & Neighborhoods (HN) Economy (E) Conservation & Environment (CE) City Facilities & Services (CFS) includes Solid Waste, Energy, Public Safety, Public Buildings, Recreation and Open Space, & Wastewater, Potable Water and Drainage Society (S) includes Health and Human Services & Children, Families, and Education Creativity (C) Inside the plan: Building Blocks
Invest in a compact and connected Austin Sustainably manage our water resources Invest in our workforce, education systems, entrepreneurs, and local businesses Green infrastructure Grow and invest in Austins creative economy Household affordability throughout Austin Create a Healthy Austin program Revise Austins development regulations and processes Inside the plan: Priority Programs
In-Depth: IACP and Health Chronic Disease Built Environment Access to Care Improve public health through education and policies Improve opportunities for active lifestyles Improve nutrition and food access Strengthen local food systems Improve access to healthcare Improve access to parks Improve access to transit Increase non-vehicular trips Make Austin a more connected city Make Austin a more compact city CHA Priorities Imagine Austin Goals* *Goals from the three CHA related priority programs
In-Depth: Built Environment Imagine Austin Actions seek to: Connect people to housing, jobs, activities, and services by improving our transportation network, including transit, vehicular, biking and pedestrian options. Give priority to investments that support mixed use, transit and the creation of compact walkable and bikeable places. Promote Complete Communities where there are opportunities for short, walkable trips as well as access to transit for longer trips. Create complete streets guidelines to ensure that all streets are safe and accessible to pedestrians and cyclists. Connect sidewalks, pathways and trails within and between neighborhoods. Expand the amount of accessible open space and elevate the standards for open spaces including parks, plazas, etc. Make healthy and local foods accessible.
In-Depth: Chronic Disease Imagine Austin Actions seek to: Promote increased bicycling and walking through traffic enforcement, program evaluation, and developing and integrating web-based tools, mobile applications and other educational materials. Promote tobacco-free environments and tobacco-free living. Create more opportunities for outdoor play, recreational activities, healthy eating, and other activities and programs that address obesity. Reduce obesity and other diet-related diseases by establishing local fresh food initiatives in institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, nursing homes, city and county departments and facilities, and by implementing and encouraging purchasing policies that support local and sustainable foods.
In-Depth: Access to Care Imagine Austin Actions seek to: Collaborate with counties, the hospital district, and school districts to dedicate funding to mental health &substance abuse programming. Partner with healthcare providers to identify areas with limited access to adequate health services and develop regulations and policies to promote the clustering of medical facilities (i.e., clinics, and trauma and specialty care) in these areas. Establish a medical school and residency programs to spur medical and life science technology investments and meet the regions growing needs for healthcare. Partner with healthcare providers such as hospitals and clinics in the region to develop and implement strategies to increase the affordability and access to healthcare.
Meredith Bossin