Wednesday February 6, 2013 Early College High MC
“Winners take chances. Like everyone else, they fear failing, but they refuse to let fear control them!” –Nancy Simms Inspiring Quote of the Day
Last Chance Pictures Winning Volleyball and Basketball Teams will have their team pictures taken for the yearbook on Wednesday immediately after school
Yearbook Sales Order Type in Early College High School in Midland, Texas 2. Click on yearbook 3. Select package or individual yearbook 4. Enter billing/shipping information 5. Enter credit/debit card information 6. Review order 7. Confirm order Yearbooks are $30
Yearbook Sales Can’t order a yearbook online? On-campus sales begin TODAY FOR $30.25 sales will continue thru 2-8 Before school Before school Lunch Lunch After school After school Previous years on sale: yearbooks in stock for $ yearbooks in stock for $ yearbooks in stock for $5.00
Attendnace Last chance to correct any attendance issues for the month of January is this Friday…After Friday there will be no changes!
Senior Banquet May 4th at the St. Stephens Fellowship Hall from 6:00-8:00pm. Thanks so much! St. Stephens Fellowship Hall 6:00-8:00pm Kindn ess
Congratulations Junior, Anthony Rodriguez Is the 2013/2014 State Y&G Model UN Secretary General Leadership
Congratulations Senior, Darian Butler 1 st place Trial Judge and Showcase Trial Judge Leadership
Congratulations Senior, Brittany Frantz Outstanding Print Media Delegate Leadership
Congratulations Senior, Gloria Patrick Senior, Marcos Silvestre Junior, Jane Vega Junior, Sydney Allen Sophomore, Trey Johnson Freshman, Maritza Morales Freshman, Haylea George Freshman, Julie Butler 1 st Place County Court Team Leadership
Congratulations Freshman, Daniel Branysh passed his bill in the Hyde House of Reps and it was one of 5 signed by the Youth Governor Leadership
Prom Tickets Starting TODAY: 1 prom ticket for $15 or 2 prom tickets for $25 Prices go up on March 1 st see: Mrs. Kite in room 111 to buy your tickets EARLY! Memories
Fun Friday Soccer Tournament February 22nd 3:20- until complete Pick up rules and forms from Coach Rhoads Team forms are due to Coach Rhoads no later than February 15th Responsibility
Yearbook Meeting MANDATORY Monday, February 11, in Mrs. Hick's room. Integrity
PAC Officer voting is this week. Come by Ms. Lee's room and vote by Friday, February 8th Desire
Book Club If you would like to vote for the spring Book Club selection, please pick up a ballot from Mrs. Miller. All ballots are due by Friday, February 8 Desire
Spring Pictures Tuesday February 19, 2013 Respect
See your handouts for more information! Seniors All baby pictures, for the yearbook, are due to Mrs. Gay/Ms. Hicks by April 12, 2013 Remember: Cost is $20 Pictures are non- returnable
Have Questions? Need More Information? Contact us: Visit us: 3600 N. Garfield Midland, Texas Check out our website: t/Domain/2484