By Joanne Parker
This website is stands for Internet Movie Database and it is where you can find out information on movies, actors, directors, producers etc. This website has many key features that help draw the readers attention such as the title as it is easy to remember for the audience.
The first feature you notice on the web page is the title which should be the first feature the audience see’s. This title has the main colour themes which is yellow and black. The title is not very big but draws attention as the yellow stands out in front of the black.
This website has drop down menu’s at the top of the web page with headings so you can find what you are looking for easily. Most websites has menu’s however they might not drop down. They could change colour, slide in, change size etc.
Almost all websites has a search box so the viewers can find what they are looking for instead of searching the whole website. This is normally situated at the top of the page so it would be easy to find. You might also find it at the bottom of the page. IMDB has their search box at the top of the page and is easy to find as the white stands out in front of the black and it also has a drop down tool to make the search easier to find.
Again most websites had information so you can contact them for anything. This is always at the bottom of the page and most of them look quite similar. IMDB has on at the bottom of their page and the writing is quite small.
On successful websites there are always pictures to draw the viewers attention and to entertain them. IMDB has plenty of pictures on the front page and words or phrases to describe what is going on.
On most websites there are adverts that are wanting you to buy, however some might be virus's. On some websites the advert is related to the website however in others the adverts have nothing in common. On some websites adverts can flash to draw readers attention or most commonly appear in the middle of the page so you have no choice but to look at it. On IMDB’s website they have an advert for which is related to IMDB as they are about movies.
On websites they have Horizontal navigation which are links that are horizontally across the page which lead to another page. Normally the link would be on a heading and if you wanted to know more information about it you would click on it. On the IMDB website it has horizontal navigation at the top of the page so they are easy to find.
Vertical navigation is similar to horizontal navigation however it is vertical instead. IMDB has vertical navigation down the side of the page with headings so you know where the links lead to.
This website is a channel and this website contains programmes, news, radio, sport and more. The title is situated at the top left hand corner which is the same as the IMDB website.
The BBC website has menu’s at the top of the page and when you hover mouse over the menu’s they have a coloured bar beneath it. It comes up with a different colour for each menu. This helps to know where your mouse is and what you have selected.
The web stands for world wide web and it is gets you information using the internet. The web uses a language that most websites use, HTML. The internet is a network that can connect to other computers as long as they are connected to the internet. The difference between the two is that the internet is a network which you need to be connected to, so you can go onto the web.