Step by step to adding sound files and embedding YouTube video to your FYIcode mobile site
In this video we use screen shots to guide you through adding sound files and embedding You Tube video to your site. Your site may be used for business, personal or charitable use. When working on your site remember to save changes every 15 minutes; This is because we are a secure server. 2
3 Loading Sound Files To set up your FYIcode® sound file you must first log in to your dashboard, then go to the listing to which you wish to add sound. We monitor our help line from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm CST
4 Under listing type switch to “custom sound”.
Select Custom Sound
You may upload either wav or mp4 files. There may be other file types that work as well. Simply select the file you want. To hear the file, you must “save” your FYIcode to allow the file to load. Then you may listen to it as a normal call in, or return and listen in edit mode.
Click on this button Next, type in the phone number at which the system will call you to make your recording. Next hit save: To record a message through a phone
Your dashboard has nowchanged fromthis:To adding this: Your dashboard has nowchanged fromthis:To adding this:
Answer the phone and key in your validation code. At the prompt, record your message. You may listen and re-record the message as often as you wish. Remember to press 1 to save your message. It is then loaded on to your site. Now, when you click on “record message” the phone number you entered will be called.
Embedding YouTube video Video is one of the most effective tools for getting a message across. FYIcode® Mobile Websites are particularly well suited for delivering You Tube based video. While in edit mode on your website. scroll down slightly below where we added sound to view these two places: Description and Notes. Description is where the text to speech feature gets its information. Do not embed video here unless you are using “Custom Sound” We will embed our video here in Notes Don’t forget to add your business card.
This is a video from our FYIcode Channel. Note the “share” button. If you click on the share button you will get the web address for “cut and pasting” a YouTube link.
You Tube “paste” link. This is useful if you want to use it as the url for one of your pictures on your site. This opens this window and the Embedding code is already high lighted for copy and pasting into our mobile website. We want the YouTube Embed link. Click here:
Copy the embed code from Here And paste it Here: Next we will add a Second embed:
We simply go back to YouTube, grab another embed code: Leave a slight space and paste that code here:
The Result: A more interesting, entertaining, and informative experience for your viewers.
We are always interested in learning new techniques and improving our service. Please do not hesitate to send us your comments and suggestions. We monitor our help line from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm CST
A quick look around your dashboard: Admin is where you will enter your Credit card information, change your password, and monitor your data plan Get signs takes you to our Commerce partners who can fulfill any of your signage or printing needs. We have templates that most printers will find of use FYIcode customers get a discount from FedEx when purchasing services through our website. Create is where you begin a new FYIcode mobile website (or listing) You can buy as many FYIcode’s as you need under one account. This is the title of your account. It is the first thing a Caller will hear unless you choose a custom Sound. This is your actual FYIcode address. It could be six, eight or 10 digits. This is how many people Have viewed Your site. This is how many calls your site has received. The service Is paid annually This is where your Edit buttons will be. For automobile sales and real estate sales there is a pre-scripted “fill in the blank” option. These are not supported under the Custom sound mode.
18 This is the dashboard for The website above. To try it, dial 877-FYI-CODE ( ). At the prompt say “number” Then say “ ” At the end of the message Say “2” and get the link to this Website. For techies: Save your work every 15 minutes. Use the drop down menu to choose your type of site. To use a recorded message choose Custom Sound. Insert your pre- recorded Sound file here. To record audio directly from your phone insert your phone number here. After you have saved this page (located at the bottom of the page), your dashboard will have a new icon. Click that icon, and your phone Will ring and you can record Your message. (press 1 to save it) Embedded YouTube link Text for viewers Add jpg and links Below. Upload your Vcard Add external links such as to a main web site here.
THE END We monitor our help line from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm CST