Mrs. Fisher’s Class
My Theme Verse Colossians 2:2-3, “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Pictures from: &
Class Rules Honor God. Be respectful of others. Be polite and listen to others. Be prepared! Think about your actions before you act! Pictures from:
Consequences 1 st Offense: Verbal warning 2 nd Offense: Pull green card-miss 5 min. recess 3 rd Offense: Pull yellow card-miss 10 min. recess 4 th Offense: Pull blue card-miss 15 min. recess 5 th Offense: Pull pink card-call home
Rewards Students will be able to collect tickets If they do not have a card pulled at the end of the week, they will receive 5 tickets. They also receive 5 tickets for getting their assignment books signed & 5 tickets for returning their signed sheet that the parent saw their papers for that week. They may also receive tickets for doing things such as, being responsible and doing what they are supposed to when no one else is. They may use these tickets to buy coupons for various things, such as a 5 point bonus on a quiz or test, a 10 point bonus on an assignment, a free assignment (excluding quiz or test) for 50 tickets. Pictures from
In the corner of the whiteboard, there is a compliment chart Compliment points are rewarded when the class, as a whole, receives a compliment from the teacher Examples: the whole class comes in and sits down quietly or is doing an excellent job of working quietly When the class receives 20 compliments, the class will have a party The class will vote to decide what type of party they want to have. Compliments & Parties Pictures from
Information on classroom procedures, such as morning routine and departure routine, may be found on the 5 th grade website ( her/) under classroom resourceshttp:// her/ Classroom Procedures Pictures from
Monday: Library 1:35-2:20 Tuesday: Art 12:45-1:30 Wednesday: P.E. 10:00-10:45 Thursday: Music 10:30-11:15 Friday: P.E. 8:15-9:00, Computer 9:00-9:45 Specials Schedule Pictures from
This year, I will be preparing the students for Jr. High. The students are responsible for writing assignments down, making sure they have everything done, handing in work on time, etc. I stressed to the students that they are the ones that need to be responsible for their studies. We have begun taking notes, so they may be prepared for quizzes and tests. I’m trying to stress that they need to listen to directions the first time and ask questions about the directions right away. Getting Ready for Jr. High
Students are assessed throughout the year & placed into small groups based on their current spelling ability Students move through weekly word study patterns & activities during the week We will have a pre-test on Thursday and then a test on Friday morning More information on Word Journeys is on the 5 th grade website Spelling – Word Journeys
We will be using the NIV for all verse tests Students may say the verse any day of the week, but may only say it once a day; if they do not get it correct the first time, they may say it again the next day; if they have not said it to me by Friday, they must write it down Bible quizzes, from the lesson we are studying that week, are given each Friday We go over important information during the week that will be on the lesson quiz; students highlight this information in their Bible workbooks Bible
Each day, we will practice math facts and work on new concepts Students will usually have some type of Math homework each evening If students need extra practice, they may go online to the Math Connects web site: rade5/sg5c1lesson1.html (there is a link to it on the class web page) rade5/sg5c1lesson1.html Math
We will be studying Old World History this year This includes the countries of the Eastern hemisphere, including the Middle East, Asia, China, Egypt, Africa, Greece, and Rome History
We will be studying life science, physical science, and earth science We have done a couple of science experiments, ask your child about it! The students will be doing a Science project on Ecosystems for the Science/Art Fair this year. This will be discussed in detail at the end of this semester, beginning of next semester. Science
We will be doing Literature Circles, which are a lot like book clubs – this will be read during class time. On top of the Literature Circles, students must read 4 A.R. books per grading period and write a book review on each of them – the first of these are due Oct. 28 We will be reading to 2 nd grade book buddies on Friday afternoons Students will also be doing journal writing (Example: Treasure Essay) Reading/Language Arts
Daily work is 20% of their grade Quizzes are 30% of their grade Tests are 50% of their grade Exception: Spelling – Daily work is 30% and Tests are 70% Grading
On the table, at the front of the room, there is a sign up for: Room parents: If you would like to volunteer to help out at parties or help organize parties Fall Fest: Friday, October 7 GAIN field trip: Wednesday, October 12 Volunteers
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I am constantly checking my or you can call me at the school. 5 th Grade Web site: er/ er/ (you can find this on the Lititz Christian School web site under quicklinks) Contact