March 12, ECET 581/CPET/ECET 499 Mobile Computing Technologies & Apps Introduction to Middleware Lecture 13 Paul I-Hai Lin, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
March 12, Introduction Mobile Middleware What is Mobile Middleware What is Mobile Middleware Mobile Middleware for Enterprise Mobile Middleware for Enterprise Adaptation Adaptation Agents Agents Service Discovery Service Discovery
March 12, Introduction Mobile Middleware What is Mobile Middleware What is Mobile Middleware Definition Definition “Middleware is software that supports mediation between other software components, fostering interoperability between those components across heterogeneous platforms and varying resource levels,” – Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, by Adelstein, Gupta, Richard III, and Schwiebert, McGraw-Hill, 2005“Middleware is software that supports mediation between other software components, fostering interoperability between those components across heterogeneous platforms and varying resource levels,” – Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, by Adelstein, Gupta, Richard III, and Schwiebert, McGraw-Hill, 2005
March 12, Introduction Mobile Middleware – What is Mobile Middleware Definition from Middleware.html Definition from Middleware.html Mobile middleware allows for the implementation of distributed applications connecting mobile and enterprise applications over wireless networksMobile middleware allows for the implementation of distributed applications connecting mobile and enterprise applications over wireless networks Provide the “black box” technology that connects mobile devices on the front lines of the enterprise to the back-end applications running on corporate servers Provide the “black box” technology that connects mobile devices on the front lines of the enterprise to the back-end applications running on corporate servers
March 12, Middleware for Enterprise Example Applications Example Applications Wireless Wireless Speech middlewareSpeech middleware Firewall and mobile VPN (Virtual Private Network)Firewall and mobile VPN (Virtual Private Network) Network connectivityNetwork connectivity Device managementDevice management Enterprise AccessEnterprise Access CRM (Customer Relationship Management) CRM (Customer Relationship Management) EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) Enterprise data & information integration Enterprise data & information integration Insurance Claim Insurance Claim
March 12, Open Source Mobile Middleware Mobile Application Support and Management Environment Mobile Application Support and Management Environment Advising serviceAdvising service Discovery serviceDiscovery service Middleware Infrastructure Middleware Infrastructure Generic Mobile APIs Generic Mobile APIs Application Specific Mobile APIs Application Specific Mobile APIs
March 12, Middlewares for Enterprise Oracle, Oracle, CTO Summit, CTO Summit, Successful Mobile Strategies, 11 minutesSuccessful Mobile Strategies, 11 minutes Mobile Field Service, Mobile Field Service,
March 12, Middlewares for Enterprise Sybase – iAnywhere Solutions, Sybase – iAnywhere Solutions, Mobile Services A-Z, sa-zMobile Services A-Z, sa-z sa-z sa-z iAnywhere, SAP SAP Siebel Siebel
March 12, Middlewares for Enterprise Nokia, Mobile Middleware – Nokia Intellisync Nokia, Mobile Middleware – Nokia Intellisync Support more than 400 different mobile devices from over 6 different OS Support more than 400 different mobile devices from over 6 different OS Palm, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Windows OS, PocketPC, SyncML, BREWPalm, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Windows OS, PocketPC, SyncML, BREW Connect, sync and extend solutions with Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino, Novell Groupwise, IMAP/POP3 interface Connect, sync and extend solutions with Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino, Novell Groupwise, IMAP/POP3 interface
March 12, Middlewares for Enterprise Novell, Novell, Mobility Solutions Mobility Solutions Groupwise Mobile ServerGroupwise Mobile Server Blackberry Enterprise ServerBlackberry Enterprise Server
March 12, Middlewares for Enterprise IBM IBM Net’s future is mobile middleware, December 7, 2006, eWeek, Net’s future is mobile middleware, December 7, 2006, eWeek, Data-sharing middleware platform for mobile devicesData-sharing middleware platform for mobile devices Code name: Infinity – based on a number of industry-standard technologies, including XML, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, and Bluetooth technologyCode name: Infinity – based on a number of industry-standard technologies, including XML, HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, and Bluetooth technology
March 12, Middlewares for Enterprise IBM Webcast: IBM Webcast: IBM WebSphere Everyplace Access, tan/tan.htmlIBM WebSphere Everyplace Access, tan/tan.html tan/tan.html tan/tan.html Workplace Client Technology, Micro Edition (WCTME) – J2EE and EclipseWorkplace Client Technology, Micro Edition (WCTME) – J2EE and Eclipse Extend your applications to mobile devices, ebcasts_tech28apr.htmlExtend your applications to mobile devices, ebcasts_tech28apr.html ebcasts_tech28apr.html ebcasts_tech28apr.html
March 12, Middlewares for Enterprise Sprint Campus Connect, Sprint Campus Connect,
March 12, Adaptation Tasks Tasks Adapt behavior and expectations to conserve scare resourcesAdapt behavior and expectations to conserve scare resources Adjust quality of service (QoS) – guarantee performanceAdjust quality of service (QoS) – guarantee performance How should adaptation be supported? How should adaptation be supported? Monitor resources and adapt appropriatlyMonitor resources and adapt appropriatly
March 12, Agents Allowing programs to move autonomously about a network in order to access remote resources Allowing programs to move autonomously about a network in order to access remote resources Migrate to servers -> access data or computational resources -> migrate again -> return to home baseMigrate to servers -> access data or computational resources -> migrate again -> return to home base Benefits Benefits Disconnection is easily supportedDisconnection is easily supported Access to large amount of data to solve problemAccess to large amount of data to solve problem Allow the functionality of servers to be expanded dynamicallyAllow the functionality of servers to be expanded dynamically
March 12, Service Discovery Extend the client-server paradigm Extend the client-server paradigm Discover needed service on-demand Discover needed service on-demand Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol