Ethics Issues: Embryo Selection
Learning Intentions SWBAT: Identify the ethical issues in the embryo selection case study Share opinions in small discussion groups Apply the principles of medical ethics to come to a group decision SUCCESS CRITERIA: Demonstrating the communication strategies agreed upon by the class Deliver a verdict on the embryo selection issue that all group members support
How does an effective group communicate?
How to say what you think respectfully That’s stupid. I’m right, your wrong. NO WAY! I have a different opinion. I hear what you’re saying, but have you considered…? That’s interesting – I hadn’t thought of it like that before. Here’s what I think…
Assign roles Leader : in charge of making sure each person has a chance to speak & runs the discussion group Scribe : takes notes summarising the group’s ideas. Timekeeper : makes sure each person gets their time to talk and sticks to set time. Peace keeper : on the lookout for negative language, making sure group members stick to the communication strategies agreed upon.
Give everyone a voice Use time limits. Take turns – use props. Check in with the whole group regularly. What do you think…? To summarise, do we all agree that…? Does anyone have anything further to add?