Before you read Reading comprehension Practice more
Look at these pictures and discuss the following questions Before you read
Do you ever go shopping in a market? Where? Is there a market where you live? What can you buy there? Can you bargain for things What is the difference between a shopping centre and a market?
/ kə'næl/ (n) a long straight passage dug in the ground and filled with water for boats and ships to travel along Canal
/’flə ʊ t/ (v) to move slowly on water or in the air FFloating market Float
Bargain with sb / 'b ɑ :gən/ (v) to discuss prices, conditions –E–Ex: in the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee Antique / æn'ti:k/ (adj) old and often valuable –E–Ex: an antique mahogany desk
Olive / ' ɔ liv/ (n) a small green or black fruit with a strong taste, used in cooking and for its oil Bunch / b ʌ nt∫/ (n) a bunch of flowers
Souk / su:k/ (n) a market in an Arab country Stall / st ɔ :l/ (n) atable or small shop with an open front that people sell things from.
Rug / r ʌ g/ (n)a piece of thick material like a small carpet Carpet / 'k ɑ :pit/ (n) a thick woven material made of wool, ect, for covering floors or stairs back
Work in three groups Group A: read about Bangkok (p35) Group B: read about Provence (p35) Group C: read about Marrakech (p35) R e a d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i o n
Answer the questions about your market 1) Where exactly is the market? 2) What days and time is it opened? 3) What food does it sell? Give some examples?
4) What do you learn about the people who work there? 5) What can you do after the market? 6) What do you learn about the town? back
Answer the questions with your group Which of the market would you like to visit most? Why? Close your book and close your eyes. Imagine you are at the market you read about.Tell your partner what you can see.