1 Introduction Press Ctrl-A ©2009 G Dear – Not to be sold/Free to use Stage 5 Years 9 & 10
2 Cardinal Points Ordinal Points Extra Points WS’SW’ Is ‘WS’ the same as ‘SW’? A Yes NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW Toggle Switches
3 N NW NNW WNW W SW WSW SSW S SE SSE ESE E ENE NNE NE ctrl-A Press ctrl-A then click on a letter Compass Bearing to see the Compass Bearing A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P
4 Start Here x X Click on an object to the North East of the X Wrong Clip Art
5 x Wrong South Easttree Click on an object to the South East of the tree. Right
6 x Wrong Clip Art South WestMountain Click on an object to the South West of the Mountain. Right
7 x Wrong Clip Art North WestTiki Hut Click on an object to the North West of the Tiki Hut. Right
8 x Wrong Clip Art South South WestChest Click on an object to the South South West of the Chest. Right
9 Clip Art
10 The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field. Matthew 13:44 x Clip Art
o Always measured from North. In a clockwise direction. Press Eg 75 o 135 o 345 o 300 o 105 o 30 o 210 o 075 o o o o o o
12 0O0O0O0O 340 O 320 O 290 O 270 O 250 O 220 O 200 O 180 O 150 O 130 O 110 O 090 O 080 O 060 O 040 O 020 O Free Clip Art A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q ctrl-A Press ctrl-A then click on a plane True Bearing to see the True Bearing
13 True Compass a) N0 o b) SW225 o c) E090 o d) NE045 o e) NNE022.5 o True Compass f) NW315 o g)S180 o h)SE135 o i)W270 o j)ESE112.5 o