Ontario Works Update For the Board of Directors May 14, 2008 Bob Barraclough, Director Operations & Client Services
2 Ontario Works Program Mandate The Ontario Works Program provides income and employment assistance for people who are in temporary financial need. To be eligible for Ontario Works, an applicant must be: –a resident of Ontario; –in immediate financial need; and –willing to participate in employment assistance activities.
3 The amount of money that someone receives from Ontario Works varies depending upon housing costs and family size. Clients may also be eligible for drug and dental coverage, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and community and employment start-up benefits.
4 All recipients of Ontario Works are required to participate in one or more employment assistance activities as a condition of eligibility for financial assistance. This helps people move as quickly as possible to a job and to become self-reliant. Participation requirements may be deferred temporarily under certain conditions.
5 Ontario Works provides practical help in finding a job, including: –Resources for searching and applying for jobs –Support for basic education and upgrading –Support for Job skills training –Literacy Screening –Employment Placement (paid placements) –Community Participation (unpaid placements) –Learning, Earning & Parenting (LEAP) –Help with work-related expenses –Earnings exemptions
6 Ontario Works includes components that ensure that taxpayers’ dollars are being spent according to the rules of the program: –Consolidated Verification (confirms clients’ eligibility for financial benefits) –Family Support (assists clients to obtain support payments that are available to them) –Eligibility Review (calculates and supports the collection of overpayments, and investigates allegations of fraud)
7 Implementation of the ONTARIO CHILD BENEFIT The Ontario Child Benefit is part of Ontario’s plan to expand opportunity for low-income families. In July 2007, eligible families received a one-time down payment of up to $250 for each dependent child under 18. Beginning in July 2008, the Ontario Child Benefit will be delivered to eligible families each month. In July 2008, about 460,000 families will receive a monthly Ontario Child Benefit payment of up to $600 per child annually. When the program is fully implemented in 2011, more than 600,000 low-income families will receive up to $1,100 per child annually.
8 OCB Impact on Social Assistance Benefits
9 Employment Readiness Scale Reports Who are our clients? Total # of clients who have taken assessment568 Age Distribution 18 & under 6% % % % % Over 65 0% Equity Group Distribution Aboriginal people14% Persons with disabilities12% Visible minorities 5% Women38%
10 Other Reports Available through ERS What are the dominant strengths and needs of clients? What are the dominant challenges clients face? What changes have clients experienced as a result of our interventions? Which clients are employed? How effective are our interventions? What follow-up is required? Which clients are not yet self sufficient?