CIS 250 Advanced Computer Applications PowerPoint
University of South Alabama - CIS 2502 Terminology Presentation – all supporting materials to make an exposition to an audience Presentation file – contains materials used in presentation; all graphics and presentation elements are contained in one PPT file Slide – one page of a PPT presentation Placeholders – predefined areas outlined on a slide to hold text, bullet lists, graphs, tables, etc.
University of South Alabama - CIS 2503 Terminology (cont) Object – PPT entity such as a text block, chart, table, or organization chart Slide Master – controls appearance of all common elements on slides in a presentation Title – object of a slide that can contain text; use is governed by Slide Master Body text – one or more main points set off by bullets; may have subpoints; format controlled by Slide Master
University of South Alabama - CIS 2504 Terminology (cont) View – controls how presentation appears onscreen Template – blueprint for text, graphics, and formatting
University of South Alabama - CIS 2505 PPT Features Spell Checker Table Generator Animation Effects Sound Effects Direct Link with Word Style Checker WYSIWYG
University of South Alabama - CIS 2506 Ways to Create a New Presentation AutoContent Wizard – prompts user through step-by-step Template – predefined templates which control general appearance of each slide Blank Presentation – manually specify everything accomplished by AutoContent Wizard or Template
University of South Alabama - CIS 2507 Parts of the PPT Window Title bar Menu bar Toolbars Status bar Presentation window View buttons
University of South Alabama - CIS 2508 PPT Views Normal view – tri-pane view; outline text, slide, and presentation notes Outline view – also tri-pane, but text content in outline form is main focus Slide view – shows slides as they appear when printed Slide Sorter view – displays miniatures of slides on screen Slide Show view – only displays slides; used for presentation
University of South Alabama - CIS 2509 Creating New Slides New Slide button on Formatting toolbar Task pane, select Slide Layout Insert | New Slide from menu bar Keyboard strokes (Ctrl-M) Through all methods, new slide is inserted following current active slide
University of South Alabama - CIS Slide Layouts Format and position of placeholders on a slide May be modified by selecting Format | Slide Layout from menu bar
University of South Alabama - CIS Editing Text Same method as Word Bullets are automatically placed in text box areas Use and + to demote (indent inward) and promote (indent outward) or use Promote and Demote buttons on toolbar AutoFit feature automatically resizes font and spacing to fit text in box May copy slides from other presentations through Insert | Slides from Files and Slide Finder
University of South Alabama - CIS Bullets Slide Master controls default bullet styles May override using Format | Bullets | Numbering command sequence Can change size, color, or use clip art or picture
University of South Alabama - CIS Pack and Go Compresses presentation into a smaller format Viewer may be included to allow those without PPT to view your file May compress several PPTs together as one file Also ensures any TrueType fonts installed or additional templates are displayed if not installed on the destination machine
University of South Alabama - CIS Templates Used to control formatting of presentation; all layout and design elements are formatted through templates Maintains consistency throughout presentation Apply by Design button on Format bar Format | Slide Design Select through task pane Select template when New Slide is selected
University of South Alabama - CIS Custom Templates May be created from scratch or by modifying an existing template Useful when standardizing all presentations for an organization with a company logo, for example
University of South Alabama - CIS Headers and Footers Header and Footer from View menu, or Modify through Slide Master Name, date, slide number Usually should not show this info on title slide – prominently display your name and presentation date
University of South Alabama - CIS Slide Master Controls common elements for all presentation slides Separate Master for title slides and presentation slides Formats text, bullets, alignment, header/footer text, and background format Multiple Masters are used if several different templates are used in the same presentation
University of South Alabama - CIS Additional Object Elements Tables Organization charts Clip Art Music Video Sound
University of South Alabama - CIS Animation Used to control how objects are presented during the presentation Used to Control the flow of information Keep the audience from reading ahead Increase interest during the presentation
University of South Alabama - CIS Animation Schemes Used to apply the effect to all slides or to all objects on a particular slide Custom animations may be used to control objects individually Effect types: Entrance – how object is first displayed Emphasis – object’s animation after it is displayed Exit – object’s animation as it moves off-screen
University of South Alabama - CIS Ways to Begin a Slide Show Select Slide Show from the View menu Select View Show from the Slide Show menu Press the F5 hotkey Click the Slide Show button on the PPT window to begin with the active slide
University of South Alabama - CIS Navigating Slide Shows Keyboard commands Mouse techniques Shortcut menu commands Be sure to practice using these techniques before presenting to an audience!!
University of South Alabama - CIS Annotating Slides To emphasize points on your slides and to draw attention to them during a presentation, you can use Pointer options to annotate your slides These markings disappear when you proceed to the next slide
University of South Alabama - CIS Using Slide Sorter & Hiding Slides Slide Sorter displays miniature images of the slides as thumbnails This view is used to rearrange or to copy slides May also mark slides as Hidden to prevent them from being displayed unless you decide to access them; hidden slides are accessed through a Slide Show shortcut menu In Slide Sorter, hidden slides are identified with a hash through the number; slide numbers of hidden slides appear in parentheses in the Slide Navigator window
University of South Alabama - CIS Summary Slides Used to provide an introduction to slides that follow Useful for showing an agenda of the overall presentation or for introducing topics that are coming up next Select slides to be included and click Summary Slide button from Slide Sorter view
University of South Alabama - CIS Action Buttons Used to control the action PowerPoint takes when click a button during a slide show May use to display a specific slide, open an application, or start another presentation
University of South Alabama - CIS Hyperlinks Link to another slide in the same presentation Link to a different presentation Link to another type of Office document Link to an Internet address Link to an address Can link any object or action button to a hyperlink
University of South Alabama - CIS Transitions Special effects which control how a slide moves on and off the screen during a slide show May apply to individual slides or apply to all May also apply a sound file Once a transition has been applied, a small slide icon is represented under the slide in Slide Sorter view
University of South Alabama - CIS Automatic Slide Timing May specify amount of time a slide is displayed on-screen May apply to a slide individually or to all Use Rehearse Timings feature to record time as you practice through show
CIS 250 Advanced Computer Applications PowerPoint