Neighbourhoods Director Steve Mather
Places for People Group Large management and development company 60,000 homes Range of interventions Affordable Childcare Older Peoples Support Flexible Financial Services Skills & Employability
Why are we involved ? 64% of customers receive state benefits 55% of customers who could work dont 47% of households with no one working 33% hold no qualifications 13% have never had a paid job GM Skills Survey 2005
The Business Case Creates employment Raises aspirations Increases incomes and wealth retention Supports tenure choice Impacts upon wider issues - ASB; educational attainment, etc. Promotes long term sustainability of neighbourhoods
What is our role? Direct deliverer Facilitator Partnership leader Community investor Housing provider Developer Employer
Our Experience Opportunistic Grant driven Experience and track record Evaluate and replicate what works Build the Business Case Mainstream Business Opportunity ?
Our Delivery Homework Apprentice AKABA Working Rite Firm Foundations Enterprising Communities Places for Children Building Links ILM
Our achievements 5,987 accessing services 1277 placed into employment 2301 accessing learning 1399 accessing self employment awareness 245 New business start ups 836 existing businesses supported
Our Approach Cannot tackle worklessness in isolation Integrated Neighbourhood Planning methodology Aligning housing management & economic development Shared agenda Economic development Strategy
Challenges Addressing concentrations of worklessness Tackling mono tenure neighbourhoods / promoting tenure choice Removing disincentives – e.g. tax and benefits Removing individuals barriers to work Welfare to Work / Flexible New Deal Economy / Credit Crunch