Professor Charlotte Clarke Centre for Community, Health & Education Studies
British Academy International Collaborative Research Network on Risk in Ageing Populations
Risk Construction & Management in Dementia Care (The Health Foundation) Contested territories of everyday living Alcohol related brain damage Risk dilemmas Information Management in Dementia Care (NIHR RfPB) MATSIQOL (EU 7 th Framework)
Multi-national study: UK, Australia, Germany, South Africa 53 older people interviewed Key issues: Social isolation Social worth Self-determination Security
Keeping active Relationships Community connections Practical coping Emotional coping Spiritual coping
A key aspect in maintaining mental health well-being in older age appears to relate to their connection to community and relationships
The Network aims to develop interdisciplinary expertise to investigate major determinants of health and well- being in later life. Focussing on social and community environments, psychological resourcefulness, and mental and physical health.
North-East Ageing Research (NEAR) 25 yr Cohort Social Science – conceptualising well-being Mathematical modelling
Physical – exercise; moderate alcohol; chocolate Psychological – spirituality; informal support; psychological integrity Independence – social productivity; adjusting goals Learning & growth – employment; volunteering; internet use; art groups Material – income Environment – attachment to place; design; pet Social – friends; social support; couple interdependency
Seminar with 40 older people in NE What is well-being? Being an individual Being valued A sense of peace and contentment Having social contact Having a purpose Feeling safe
SELF EXPRESSIONHAVING CONTROL "Having a say" "Having choices "Good morale "Being an individual "Self expression" "Individuality" "Doing what pleases you "Living independently" Determination, Motivation and drive, "Control over my own life"
DIGNITY AND EQUALITY "Accepted unconditionally "Not being classed as old Being individual, Valued, Respected, Useful, Wanted Dignity "Being needed just as I was thinking about retiring"
PEACE OF MIND CONTENTMENT Safe, Relaxation "Calm and Balance "Being at peace, "Having my needs met "Peace of mind "Stability" Happiness "Home "being at peace "Belonging "Being content "Positive outlook" "Time for myself "Belonging "Happy with myself "Doing things that please you "Emotional fulfilment" FULFILMENT
COMPANY "Social Inclusion Included, Attachment 'Part' of a family "Meeting people with a smile and getting one back Socialising "Laughter "Waking up with my wife "Feeling loved", "Hugs "Lots of contact with family and friends"
BEING BUSY "Doing something that pleases you Pursuits, Pastimes, Interests Travel and favourite places "Being helpful " Caring" "Having motivation and drive"
EMOTIONALLY / PSYCHOLOGICALLY FINANCIALLY Freedom from pain "Freedom from worry "Feeling safe "Knowing you are loved" Knowing I owe nowt "Financial security"
Finance Cultural change Planning (self and political)
Finance "Money available should be a regular thing not a luxury", "A 'good' pension", "Equal opportunities and access to financial support", "financial policies in place", "Funding", "Money, access, transport, organisation and time" Cultural Change "A different value system", "Village life, neighbourhood watch", Volunteers, "An education system to enable people to be happy", "Older people seen as a valued member of society not a drain" Planning "Don't make independent, dependent", "Know what's available", "Convince others that it depends on their well-being as well".