The Kingdom of heaven The Kingdom of heaven is what? God’s rule & reign. God’s government The Kingdom of heaven is where? John 18:36 Not of this world. Luke 17:20 Inside The Kingdom of heaven is when? Hebrews 12:28 Now but not yet fully come.
The Kingdom of heaven Before we get started? Challenges with parables. Dealing with parables. Challenges with parables. Imagery. Dated imagery. Same old Same old trap. Tips for parables? Law of first mention.
The Kingdom of heaven Is treasure / Is ‘n skat When you think of treasure?
The Kingdom of heaven Is treasure Is ‘n skat Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Is ‘n skat Matthew 13:44 “Met die koninkryk van die hemel gaan dit soos met 'n skat wat in 'n saailand onder die grond lê. Wanneer iemand dit kry, maak hy dit weer toe; en omdat hy baie in sy skik is, gaan verkoop hy alles wat hy het, en hy koop daardie land.
The Kingdom of heaven The Kingdom is of GREAT value. Matthew 13:44 is like treasure. Finding the Kingdom brings JOY! Matthew 13:44 it brings JOY to the one who finds it. The Kingdom is buried in a field. Matthew 13:44 everybody does not see the importance of the field.
The Kingdom of heaven The treasure is hidden. Matthew 6:33 We need to seek the Kingdom. The treasure does not stay hidden. Mark 4:11 The Kingdom is revealed. We need to surrender. John 12:24 We must be prepared to sell everything.