SEARCH for the GLASSES so that you may SEE THE KING: The KINGDOM = GLASSES needed to see the King 1. SEEK the KINGDOM 2. SEEK His RIGHTEOUSNESS: His POSITION in His Kingdom 3. SEEK the KING – Where He is right now, busy with what? (Matt 6:33)
Find the RIGHT GLASSES to see the true King. Matt. 13:13-16 BLESSED EYES (Happy, fortunate, to be envied) BLESSED EARS (Happy, fortunate, to be envied) Seek the Kingdom (glasses): SO THAT you can SEE LIFE the WAY the KING SEES IT.
THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE: 1.A SOWER who SOWS in different places (Matt. 13:18-23) 2. A MAN WHO SOWS GOOD SEED, but weeds also grow (Matt. 13:24) 3. A MUSTARD SEED (Matt. 13:31) 4. LEAVEN/SOUR DOUGH (Matt. 13:33) 5. TREASURE buried in a field (Matt. 13:44) 6. A DRAGNET that was cast into the see (Matt. 13:47)
7. A KING who shows COMPASSION and cancels debts (Matt. 18:23) 8. An OWNER who pays LABOURERS as he wishes (Matt. 20:1) 9. An OWNER with VINEDRESSERS (Matt. 21:40) 10. A KING who held a wedding banquet (Matt. 22:2) 11. TEN VIRGINS who go to meet a BRIDEGROOM (Matt. 25:1) 12. A TRAVELLING MAN who gives servants different talents (Matt. 25:14) 13. GOATS and SHEEP before the King; the SHEEP will INHERIT the Kingdom (Matt. 25:32-34)
SEEK: Doesn’t just mean “look around”! You must DENY YOURSELF in order to SEE what you seek. You must look with “the SIGN”: - The CROSS of JESUS CHRIST
DENY YOURSELF: - seek Old identity – the old man LOSE yourself at the CROSS (Matt. 16:25) TAKE UP THE CROSS: - find New identity – the new man FIND yourself in HIM (Matt. 16:25) FOLLOW ME: - follow See I Am who I Am FOLLOW THE GREAT I AM (Matt. 16:24)