Why do so many Christians stumble on this passage? What are the implications of misapplication of this scripture?
The literal reading is that Jesus is using an extreme example to prove a point. In application, we tend to view the problems of our lives as the mountain. In truth, the mountain may represent Christ and His Kingdom.
Hebrews 12:18-24 Daniel 2:35-36, Isaiah 2:2
The literal reading is that Jesus was using extreme opposites to prove his point. For The Creator of the Universe, there is no coincidence or trivial detail in the illustrations He give us.
A mustard seed is actually a grain. It must be planted and watered. It sprouts and grows leaves in 2-3 days. Mustard plants are favored because of their large comparative size.
Like the plant, our faith must always grow, and not regress. The root of the mustard plant grows three times faster than the stem. A 21-foot mustard tree will have 63 feet of root below.
The branches of a mustard tree can grow up to 72 feet long. In the same way, our faith must grow and cover the entire garden of our lives. – Wherever we are. – Whomever we encounter.
The mustard tree is an evergreen. It does not shed its leaves or change colors with the season. Sheep are known to love the fragrance of the mustard tree and lie in the shade of the tree. Are we likewise fragrant?
The leaves curl at night and collect dew. An oil then rolls off and drips on the sheep. This oil has curative properties, but is deadly to pests. Nothing grows in the shade of the mustard tree. No weeds, no competing plants.
The mustard tree can withstand a 2-3 year drought. Even in seedling form. Seed doesn’t seem so tiny now, does it?
“Everything is possible for him who believes.” “Help me overcome by unbelief.” “This kind can come out only by prayer.”
The father’s faith was small. Yet, when invested in the right direction, the heart of The Creator was moved to act.
The longer we focus on a problem, the more it looks like a mountain. Overcoming a mountain on our own is an impossible task. Jesus gives us the solution in the form of a mustard seed.
What does a mountain become when it is cast into the sea? Psalms 27:5
This passage tempts some Christians to boldly dictate what they want, when they want it, and how they want it delivered. See Daniel 3:17-18 – What is the key qualifier in the second sentence?
Are you a mustard seed, growing in accordance to its characteristics? – Do you have more growth in the soil than is visible above ground? What role does doubt play in the believer’s life? Can it ever be good?
What else does Jesus tell us to shed before coming to Him in earnest prayer? What mountains are in your life right now? What are your motives for having them moved?