CALIBRATE and CAS/CDGS resources Vladimir Batagelj, Iztok Kavkler, Matija Lokar Faculty of mathematics and physics University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.


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Presentation transcript:

CALIBRATE and CAS/CDGS resources Vladimir Batagelj, Iztok Kavkler, Matija Lokar Faculty of mathematics and physics University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

CALIBRATE ICT in educational process is not as spread as we could expect to be Several reasons –plenty of the resources available on WWW –Problems to find appropriate learning resources 6th Framework Project CALIBRATE –Support collaborative use and exchange of learning resources in schools –Main aim: to provide brokerage system among national repositorities of edu. materials

SIO Slovenian Educational network (SIO) Substantional amount of electronic teaching resources (ETR): worksheets based on CAS and CDGS

SIO – CAS resources

Survey Within teachers groups –To many /not enough resources Slovene language –Problems with quality –Modifying the resources Closed form solutions are not popular To adapt the ETR to teacher’s style, age of students, cultural background... –Lack of proper classification

About the project 5th FP CELEBRATE –Context ELEarning with BRoAdband TEchnologies –Demonstrated: Not enough resources, not enough areas covered CALIBRATE –Calibrating eLearning in schools –8 ministries of education Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia –October 2005 – March 2008

Main goals – work packages Classification of teaching resources Learning resources exchange (LRE) leMill: toolbox for adapting and producing teaching resources Evaluation Dissemination

Classification of teaching resources Differencies in school programs Mostly cover the same set of topics Way to search using own curriculum schema To find mappings between curricula in several states Create taxonomy: set of keyords, with unique mapping to every curriculum

Learning resources exchange (LRE) Metadata: description of ETR LRE – to enable exchange of metadata Each repository: own set of metadata Common standard: adapted LOM format No changes in repositories Interface for searching and converting its metadata Brokerage system, federated search, basic software support to simplify the connection

LeMill: toolbox for adapting and producing teaching resources To help teachers to adapt the ETR To share adapted content Web based authoring system Cooperative model of work Community Creative Commons share-alike license

Evaluation and disemination Test group of teachers 20 schools in four states Workshops Questionnaires Educate the teachers To reach the “critical mass”

Finding ETRs Substantional amount of math ETR –, –Google: math, teaching, resources 6.5 million hits Teachers claim –Not enough appropriate resources –How to find a needle in tha hay Appropriate resource –Quality control –The “right one

Classification and Metadata Why to use Calibrate, not Google –Search for linear function –HIT #3: We have extended the principle of consensus scoring in a Non- Linear Neural Network manner. This original global scoring function is a combination of the... - –Problems with context Educational repositories –Metadada augemented with educational resources Exchange of metadata –Language neutral keywords (international thesaurus) –Approximate age at which the subject is taught –“curriculum awearness” – curriculum mapping Supplying metada –Other projects, MELT

Language issues We “solved the search” What about the content In part –LeMill Ideal resources –Those who “travel well” –Not text resources “Actual” math content CAS/CDGS worksheets

CAS / CDGS resources Surprisingly few Many content creators are not aware of CAS / CDGS tools –Descriptions missing on national repositories Not equipped with metadata Problems with properietary formats –A call to “standard” CAS language Open licence tools –GeoGebra, CaR, Maxima Exchange ot ETR –CC license –LeMill

Some practical examples