the disability debate – helping shape the future of equality Adam Gaines
Objective: a debate to create an agenda for a Britain in which by 2020 disabled people have become equal citizens
Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Disability Rights Commission Disability Discrimination Amendment Act 2005 Acts of Parliament in Scotland including on encouragement/observance of disability rights National Assembly of Wales Equal Opportunities considerations Changes to planning laws and building regulations New housing standards Hate crime recognised as offence in England and Wales Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act/ Mental Capacity Act 2005 Major advances in rights and opportunities for disabled people over past 10 years
Moving Forward More disabled people in work Valuing People Initiative/ Same as You Increasing numbers of students in post-16 education Shops and services improving access to goods and services New Duty on Public sector in 2006 Life Chances of Disabled People Report Office of Disability Issues Scottish Parliament Disability Inquiry
Big Challenges remain Half of all disabled people not in paid employment Disabled people twice as likely not have educational qualifications Numbers of people with a learning disability in residential care rising ( England and Wales ) Community care framework and risk averse approach can constrain independent living Hate crime, and harassment and social isolation still issues Mobility of disabled people constrained by transport limitations Numbers of disabled people in public bodies very low
What barriers do disabled people still face? Many disabled people do not feel like full members of their local communities Many disabled people are not in control of their own lives Many disabled people do not have a say in what happens in the country or their local areas Many disabled people don't get the chance to get skills and qualifications Many disabled people would like to make a contribution but are face barriers in doing so Many disabled people don't get the chance to do their best in life
Building for the future Big themes and drivers: Aging population Changes in impairment groups Scientific and technological change Government vision that by 2025 all disabled people have full opportunities and choices Commission for Equality and Human Rights
The Disability debate Aim to have an agenda by the end of 2006 for CEHR and Government to take disability equality further Want to foster a debate to address how to achieve goal of a society in which all disabled can participate fully as equal citizens
Key themes of disability debate How to ensure that disabled people can: Become full members of society; Take control over their own lives; Help shape the world we live in; Get equipped to play a part; Make a valued contribution; Get on