EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative Workforce Development Work Group February 6, 2014 0.


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Presentation transcript:

EU-US eHealth/Health IT Cooperation Initiative Workforce Development Work Group February 6,

Meeting Etiquette Participants automatically enter the webinar in “listen only” mode. The organizer will then unmute all participants. We ask if you are not speaking to manually mute yourself NOTE: VoIP participants have the ability to “Mute” themselves by clicking on the green microphone. However, if you would like to speak, only you can unmute yourself. If you are dialing in using a telephone and NOT using the VoIP you MUST dial the audio pin in order for the organizer to unmute you – if you do not use the audio pin and just push # when prompted the Organizer cannot unmute you

Meeting Etiquette CONTINUED If you are calling from a telephone, please do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when you have completed your other call This meeting is being recorded Another reason to keep your phone or your VoIP on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” or “Question” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other panelists to know. 2

Agenda TopicTime Allotted General Announcements5 minutes Progress5 minutes Review Final Comments from Baseline Skill Bucket10 minutes Review Categorization of Skills Method & Spreadsheets 5 minutes Deep Dive into Direct Patient Care/Intermediate/Clinical 30 minutes Next Steps/Questions5 minutes 3

Meeting Times 4 Washington, DC 10:00am (ET) Washington, DC 10:00am (ET) London 3:00pm/15:00 (GMT) London 3:00pm/15:00 (GMT) Germany 4:00pm/16:00 (CET) Germany 4:00pm/16:00 (CET) Athens 5:00pm/ 17:00 (EET) Athens 5:00pm/ 17:00 (EET) Workforce Development Work Group meets every Thursday

General Announcements To join our weekly webinars, visit the EU-US eHealth Collaboration Wiki Homepage for the latest meeting information: To subscribe to our mailing list, simply complete the EU-US MOU Project Signup Form: US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up To submit a brief biography of yourself (150 words or less), review the criteria listed at p#Work Group Members and your bio and photo (optional) to Gayathri Jayawardena at p#Work Group To access current and archived meeting materials, visit the Project Meeting Artifacts section:

DateInputs DiscussionOutputs 8/14/13 Launch of the Workgroup 9/05/13 Selected Acute Care setting Acute Care Setting Selection 12/12/14 Acute Care Setting Selection Completed defining roles in the Acute Care setting Completed EU-US Role Mapping into Buckets EU-US Role Mapping 1/9/14 EU-US Role Mapping Aggregated eight competency sources recommended by community Silo consolidation on master spreadsheet 1/16/14 Silo consolidation on master spreadsheet Discuss overall mapping strategy (role  bucket & skill  bucket) Review Baseline skill extraction Assign categorization of skills to domains (DUE 1/30) Finalized mapping strategy Baseline skill extraction 1/23/14 CANCELLED DUE TO HL7 1/30/14 Finalized mapping strategy Baseline skill extraction Review skill categorization Finalize Baseline skill list Baseline skill list complete 2/6/14 Baseline skill list complete Address final baseline comments Review skill categorization method + spreadsheet Dive into DPC/Intermediate/Clinical Bucket Skill to Role (Bucket) mapping completed Timeline 6

We have identified the roles for the Acute Care setting and have placed the roles into 40 buckets (5 domains, 4 levels, 2 settings) We looked at 9 silos of competencies, and sorted the competencies to the buckets (presented on today’s call) 7 Progress Role to Bucket Map Skill to Bucket Map Role to Skill Map

8 Finalized 1 bucket: Baseline (= IT skills that everyone in the Acute care setting needs) Progress CONTINUED

Paul De Raeve – We have noted that in the first sheet of the Excel file (competency buckets definition),the four categories in nursing care presented and suggested by the EFN are not listed anymore. We would appreciate you to include them again in the list of "example careers". The four categories include healthcare assistant, registered nurse, specialist nurse and advanced nurse practitioner. – We would like to make a remark on the methodology, although we recognise the importance of embracing the work done by silos, this could lead to patchwork and can jeopardise quality when dealing with patient direct care. Should we not have a face to face meeting in Athens in May, during the eHealth Forum, to look in more detail at the categories which involve direct patient and acute 9 Review Final Comments from Baseline Bucket

10 Baseline Internal Comments Review Enter data into computer files quickly, with an acceptable degree of accuracy Double check data entry carefully change to "Understands value of data accuracy and integrity" Notice when data are missing or look wrong change to "Identify discrepancies in data quality" Take steps to ensure computer files are complete and accurate Is this covered already? Or could it be included in a previous description? Check work carefully and identify/correct typographical errorsSimilar to above, lets cut some out Use basic reference materials and tools (e.g., spell check) to ensure accuracySimilar to above, lets cut some out Streamline document processing by employing a variety of common software functionsSimilar to above, lets cut some out Consult appropriate manuals when uncertain about the correct style and formatSimilar to above, lets cut some out Understand and comply with information security processes and guidelines Apply basic computer concepts and terminology in order to use computers and peripheral devices Use basic word processing, spreadsheet, and desktop presentation applications as applicatble to your work-already stated, cutAlready stated ? Demonstrate use of the essential aspects of file organization, information storage (such as disk, flash drive), protection from data loss-Description is same as Line 13, cut one out Identify, utilize job aids, external media storage devices, and Internet resources.

11 Baseline Internal Comments Review Conduct basic file organization and management for routine storage, protection from data loss. Demonstrate basic computer operating procedures such as log on/off the computer, open and close files, save files. Demonstrate proficiency in Windows operating environment. This encompasses many things that have been described here, take this out or take the other descriptions out and have them umbrelled under this Identify and use icons, windows, menusCovered above Resolve minor technical problems associated with working in an electronic environment. Demonstrate proper use of necessarry operational s: addressing, forwarding, attachments, and etiquette. Create and name/rename folders Open and work with more than one application at a time. Demonstrate how to save work to a computer file, print and copy a file Create graphs and tables using Microsoft Office Applications Identify and use communication tools Monitor equipment and alert IT department/help desk if the system appears to be malfunctioning Basic computer/internet navigation, research, and communication Able to make information available to team and supervisor-Pull reports? Basically covered with need to utilize applications

12 Method and Demo of Categorization

Link to spreadsheet: =0ApW4Ox66ml2IdHdBUXRtWkdSdjZubWJEcz hzMmRXcnc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 =0ApW4Ox66ml2IdHdBUXRtWkdSdjZubWJEcz hzMmRXcnc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 13 Method and Demo of Categorization

14 Direct Patient Care/Intermediate/Clinical

15 Direct Patient Care/Intermediate/Clinical

16 Direct Patient Care/Intermediate/Clinical

Next Steps 17 Review the accuracy and completeness of direct patient care/clinical/intermediate mapping by Thursday, February 13, 2014 Attend the next Workforce Development WG meeting on Thursday, February 13, 2014.

Workforce Development Project Support Team 18 US Point of Contacts – Mera Choi, – Jamie Parker, – Gayathri Jayawardena, – Amanda Merrill, – Kareem Malek, – Mark Roche, – John Feikema, EU Point of Contacts – Mary Cleary, – Benoit Abeloos, – Frank Cunningham,

Initiative Resources EU-US Wiki Homepage – US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative US+eHealth+Cooperation+Initiative Join the Initiative – US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Sign+Up EU-US Initiative Reference Materials – US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Reference+Materials US+MOU+Roadmap+Project+Reference+Materials Workforce Development Homepage – oup oup 19