IFRE: Delhi, India Nandini Raghuraman MS-2
India Largest democracy in the world Population: 1,147,995,898 (July, 2008) Life expectancy at birth: years Sex ratio: 1.06 male(s)/female 41.6% of population living below the international poverty line
A Nation of Many Tongues Hindi is the national language 14 other official languages: Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Sanskri
Healthcare in India No third party paying mechanism Employees State Insurance, Central Government Health Scheme, Business Corporations 80% of primary care is delivered in private institutions “…one episode of hospitalization [in India] is estimated to account for 58% of per capita annual expenditure…even more disconcerting is the fact that 40% of those hospitalized had to borrow money or sell off assets.” (World Bank, 2002)
Healthcare cont’d Average of 1.5 beds/1000 Lack of healthcare facilities in semi-urban and rural areas, where 70% of the Indian population resides Government healthcare facilities are poorly maintained Major obstacles: lack of resources, a manually operated health management information system, lack of focus on preventative care, gender disparity
My Project Institute of Field Research and Expedition (IFRE) International volunteer program that has projects set up in 18 different countries. Education, healthcare, orphanage work, specific issues. My specific project: Healthcare in Delhi, India 1) Voluntary ambulance work serving the underprivileged elderly. 2) Pediatric work in a children’s hospital.
HelpAge Non-profit organization established to serve and improve the lives of disadvantaged older population Mobile medical care unit set up to provide basic medical care In country of 81 million elderly people, 33% live below the poverty line. 73% of the elderly population is illiterate and dependent on physical labor.
Kalra Childcare Centre Private 2-floor hospital Run by a single doctor, Dr. Rajan Kalra Malaria, hepatitis, measles, tapeworm, viral fever Vaccinations Neonatology Nursery clinic
Nursery Clinic
Cultural Experience Host family Transportation to and from projects- Rickshaws Indian meals- 3x a day Language practice Markets Sightseeing on weekends
Sightseeing New Delhi Old Delhi Agra Jaipur Great way to learn about Indian history.
Prices IFRE Program Fee$881 Airfare$1800 Vaccinations$200 Transportation (in India)$45 Sightseeing $200 $3126
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