Cosmology: recent developments Luca Amendola INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma INFN/Spazio
Cosmology: a few things that I consider interesting, promising and possibly related to space missions Luca Amendola INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma INFN/Spazio
CMB in 1999… …2001 …2003
SNIa in 1998… …2000 …2004
New physics and cosmology Existence and nature of dark energy: cosmological constant, equation of state, scalar field, modified gravity, interacting, phantom,.... Tests of gravity: grav. waves, dark matter/baryons, scalar gravity, deviation from inverse square law, finite range Variation of fundamental constants: G(t,r,..), m(t,r,..), α(t,r...) Signature of string effects: dilaton coupling, cosmological bounces Testing brane-world models: effects of gravitational propagation, compactification
Dark energy/space SN in space: sky coverage, temporal sampling, infrared sensitivity
Dark energy/space interaction strenght equation of state
What is gravity ? Gravity: a universal force mediated by a tensor field in 3D space Universal? or violation of equivalence principle? Universal? or violation of equivalence principle? Tensor? or there are scalar/vector components? Tensor? or there are scalar/vector components? 3D space? or propagation in n-dim bulk ? 3D space? or propagation in n-dim bulk ?
inner space/outer space Infinite bulk: ordinary gravity at small scales (<1Mpc) Compactified bulk: ordinary gravity at large scales (>1 mm)
inner space/outer space Infinite bulk: ordinary gravity at small scales (<1Mpc) Compactified bulk: ordinary gravity at large scales (>1 mm)
Gravity’s rainbow Dilaton coupling Dark energy interaction Extra dim. leakage
Gravity/space Such a gravity law will change the evolution of the universe at all scales and all times if λ is large Such a gravity law will change the evolution of the universe at all scales and all times if λ is large Effects at background (i.e. cosmic expansion), linear (i.e., perturbations) and non-linear (i.e. galaxy formation) level Effects at background (i.e. cosmic expansion), linear (i.e., perturbations) and non-linear (i.e. galaxy formation) level If the interaction range depends on the local density, experiments in space could prove necessary If the interaction range depends on the local density, experiments in space could prove necessary
N-body simulations Λ α = 0.02 A. Macciò et al. PRD 2004 α = 0.05
Dark energy/space New tests of dark energy: GRB at z>1 CMB and polarization Sunjayev-Zeldovich effect Deep photometric/spectroscopic redshift surveys (baryon oscillations) New tests of gravity: Lunar laser ranging Cosmological tests VEP tests in space Gravity/space V(r) r mm Mpc mat DE rad