- 0 - CHAPER 9&10: PRACTICE & EXAMPLE Jasper (Jia) Pan Nov EDUC391 Web Based Technology in Teaching and Learning
- 1 - Utilize Practice in E-learning Several practice exercises per topic Exercises that require learners to apply knowledge and skills to job-realistic situation or environment Few question that require only rote recall of information Distribution of exercise throughout the lesson More practice opportunities for critical tasks Directions to practice exercises presented in text clearly visible near the question Feedback appearing in text close to question Memory support visible near the application question Training in self-questioning when e-lessons lack practice exercises Apply the Principles Interactions should mirror the job Critical tasks require more practice Apply the media elements principles to practice exercise Train learner to self-question during receptive e-lessons Four Practice Principles
- 2 - Utilize Examples in E-learning Worked examples that illustrate task performance and replace some practice problems for novice learners Worked examples are interspersed among practice problems Textual explanations are integrated into the graphic elements of an example Audio is used to elaborate on a graphic illustration or animated demonstration Conversational script and agents are used to present worked examples For near transfer skills, worked example in the form of demonstrations incorporate job context For transfer skills, several diverse worked examples show application of guidelines to diverse job scenarios Complex worked examples are formatted to draw attention to the sub-goals of the problem Demonstrations ad practice in self-explanations of worked examples are included Apply the Principles Replace some practice problems with worked examples Apply the media elements principles to examples Use job-realistic or varied worked examples Teach learners to self explain examples Four Example Principles