1 Edmund Bertschinger MIT Department of Physics and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research Testing Gravity on Large Scales Dekel 1994 Ann. Rev. Ast. Ap. with Peculiar Velocities
Collaborators 2 Alessandra SilvestriMustafa AminPhillip Zukin
3 Dekel, Bertschinger and Faber 1990EB, AD, SMF, Dressler, Burstein 1990
POTENT Reconstruction Assumptions 1. Universal free-fall of galaxies and dark matter 2. Fluctuations grew from smooth initial conditions 3. Irrotational velocity field (potential flow) Radial velocities suffice 4
A 1990s Cosmological test Compare (v and g) or (div.v and rho) to determine =f()/b Willick 2000 (astro-ph/ ): “a preponderance of the evidence at present argues against very large scale (>100 Mpc/h) bulk flows, and favors ≃ 0.4–0.5, corresponding to a low- density ( m ≃ 0.2–0.3) universe.” Davis et al. 2011: 0.24 < < 0.43 (95% c.l.) 5
A 15-year enigma: cosmic acceleration Lambda? Dynamical dark energy? Modified gravity? (This option usually retains dark matter but abandons dark energy) 6
Testing GR on cosmological scales Supernovae and BAO determine expansion history Expansion history does not test GR Any H(z) can be fit without or DE, if GR modified Cosmic acceleration does not test GR 7
A continuing controversy Very large scale bulk flows and their (mis)alignment with the CMB dipole Can modified gravity produce either? Crook et al 2009: Modified Poisson equation changes bulk flow magnitude 8
Bulk flow direction is insensitive to modifications of GR Magnitude is however sensitive 9 Crook et al. 2009
What is the response of the CMB itself to modified gravity? Can it produce misalignment? 10
Three cosmic functions 11 For a flat background, this is the most general first-order perturbed Robertson-Walker spacetime excluding vector and tensor modes. It does not assume that GR is valid.
Measuring two potentials with test particles E.B. arXiv: Test masses: (if H=0) Photons: Measure using orbits of planets, stars, galaxies Measure using light (deflection, energy shift) 12
CMB dipole in GR and Modified Gravity E.B. + A. Silvestri, in preparation Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect: v CMB = -u , Modified gravity => gravitational slip (Daniel et al. 2008, 9) Also, scale-dependent departures from GR 13
EB + A. Silvestri, in preparation 14 a Designer f(R) gravity, f R0 = 10 3
low-l ISW from Designer f(R) 15
Another way to change the potentials: Late-time quintessence dynamics in GR arXiv: Amin, Zukin, EB 16
Conclusions Galaxy peculiar velocities (combined with gravity or density) depend only on (k,t) and give measurement of growth rate parameter b. Even with modified gravity, v g (unless decaying mode) v galaxies -v CMB also probes ISW effect, depends on /t A new test of GR is underway (EB+Silvestri, in prep) 17