SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP1 Dark Energy Effects on CMB & LSS The 2 nd KIAS Workshop on Cosmology and Structure Formation Seokcheon ( 碩天 large sky) Lee Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP2 Outline Observable Impact of DE BAO, CL, SN, WL (Im)Perfect Dark Energy Fluid Effects on CMB and Matter Power Spectrum Summary
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP3 Observable Impact of DE Modification of z–d relation : Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO, R.Kron), SuperNova (SN, G-C Liu), [δD] Effects on growth of structures : Galaxy CLustering counting (CL, Z.Zheng), Weak Lensing (WL, Sejong Univ), ISW effect (C.G.Park)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP4 Observations & Measurements
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP5 H(z) & δ (z) Evolution of Background From WMAP data we can find z eq ~ 5000 Flat Universe is preferred by WMAP. i.e. Ω k = 0 Density fluctuation on small scales (sub-horizon scale)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP6 r(z) and dV(z) FRW metric Volume element Proper distance Comoving coordinate
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP7 Imperfect DE Fluid Cosmological fluid Adiabatic and entropic sound speed (J-C Hwang) Dark energy rest frame Anisotropic stress of DE
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP8 Effects of σ on δ & θ For large scale source term : -(1+ω)(c_s^2-ω)θ/k^2 ω = -0.8 Dominate metric source term and derive δ to smaller values k = 1.3 · 10^{-4} Mpc^{-1} (c_s^2, c_vis^2) = (0,0), (0.6,0),(0,0.6),(0.6,0.6) δ gets smaller when DE dominate (solid lines) Θ increases (dashed lines) ISW id enhanced as c^2 increases
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP9 ISW Effects C_{vis}^2 : 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0 MD : total density grows in order to Φ,Ψ = const.
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP10 Matter Power Spectrum C_{vis}^2 = 1.0 Solid line : w=-1.2, c_s^2=1.0 Dash-dotted : w=-0.8,c_s^2=0 Dashed : w=-1.2 c_s^2=0 Thick : w=-0.8, c_s^2=1.0
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP11 Standard Cosmology Friedman equations Critical density and density contrasts Curvature Hubble’s law
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP12 DE vs MG Quintessence (Generalised) Chaplygin gas Tachyon Mass Varying Neutrino Modification Of Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) Cardassian Models Phantom f(R) Gravity accelerating universe.
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP13 Developments of DE program Stage I : Current Known Stage II : Anticipation for ongoing projects Stage III : Comprising currently proposed projects Stage IV : Comprising Large Survey Telescope (LST) and/or Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and/or Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP14 Quantifying Progress I Figure of Merit (FoM) : goodness of a single experiment or a combination of experiments on probing DE. Choose DE parameterization : DETF FoM : Reciprocal of Area of the error ellipse in w0-w1 plane that enclose 95% C.L contour.
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP15 Quantifying Progress II (From DETF Report)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP16 BAO s ~ 150 Mpc : sound horizon at LS Angular size of BAO, Perpendicular to l.o.s Radial suppression + photo z : exponential suppression Spectroscopic survey : H(z) Eisenstein (05) SDSS LRG correlation function. Observer H = z/s D A = s /
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP17 BAO II s : sound horizon Acoustic scale depends o n ( mh2)-0.25 Hu. Sugiyama (96) (A) Least affected by systematic errors (A) High z (D) Least statistical power Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (UC Davis)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP18 CL Galaxy cluster counting 20,000 clusters to z=1with M > 2 X E14Ms Spatial clustering of galaxies 300 million galaxies Compare Observed distribution of clusters to N-body simulations Mass function shape
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP19 CL II differential number of clusters Differential comoving number density, Jenkins (01), assumption : GC = DM halos Two point correlation funtion (A) H(z), z) (D) uncertaintities
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP20 SN SNAP (SuperNova Acceleration Probe) ~ 2000 SNeIa : 0.1 < z <1.7 CSP (Carnegie Supernova Project) : z < 0.1 SDSS II : 0.1 < z < 0.2 SNLS : 0.8 < z < 1.0 ESSENCE : 0.2 < z < 0.8 (A) most established method (D) evolution of SNe
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP22 WL II Planck + 3D WL : 10,000 sq deg to median z = 0.7 (A.Heavens 03) 3D WL accuracy on w 1~3 % DUNE : 20,000 sq. deg. to z = 0.9 (35 gal/arcmin2) (A. Refreiger) SNAP : 1,000 sq. deg to z = 1.23 (100 gal/arcmin2) (A) : greatest potential to constrain w (D) : limited by systematic errors coming from errors of photo-z (except SKA)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP24 Generalized Gravity Theories I A broad class of alternative gravity theories (From T.Koivisto) matter fields Φ : a scalar field
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP25 Generalized Gravity Theories II
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP26 Generalized Gravity Theories III
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP27 Quintessence Potentials SL(06)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP28 Quartessence (Unification of DM & DE)
SEP KIASKIAS WORKSHOP30 Summary As c_{vis}^ 2 ↑, δ↓, θ↑, H/k^2(1+ω)θ↑ As c_{vis}^ 2 ↑, ISW ↑ Effects on MPS occurs only at large scales CMB’s only sensitive to Correlation to others BAO, CL, D(g), WL… Bispectra (? Y. Suto) DARK ENERGY IS NOWHERE!