SMHC Talent Development around Instruction To Increase Student Learning Carl Cohn
The Solution Develop a strategic plan for improving teacher quality across the teacher preparation a K-16 partnership Strategic Planning Committee composed of…. Teachers at all phases of preparation School site administrators University faculty and administration Teachers’ association representatives Professional development providers
Recruiting Quality Teachers Employment Information Meetings Targeting Student Teachers National and Statewide Recruitment LBUSD Employees Serve as University Faculty and Promote District to Recruit Quality Teachers Student Teacher Interview Week
Hiring Process WinOcular System—Online Application Process Haberman Star Teacher Selection Interview Protocol Collaborative Interview Process Database of University New Hires
Beliefs About Quality Teaching High rates of student achievement are directly related to the quality of classroom instruction, regardless of the gender, ethnicity, primary language, or socioeconomic status of the student. The quality of classroom instruction is dependent upon the content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and belief systems of the teacher. Teachers develop these characteristics through quality pre-service preparation programs, thorough induction processes, and ongoing professional development opportunities.
Professional Development Plan New Teacher Induction New Teacher Professional Development New Teacher/Special Education Institute (K-12) Essential Elements of Effective Instruction (K-12) Literacy Institute/Math Institute (K-5) Content Institute (6-12) Content Reading Institute (6-12_ Differentiation: ELD/SDAIE Institute (K-12)
Professional Development Plan New Teacher Induction New Teacher Support Role of the principal and new teacher site coordinator Role and training of new teacher coach Best practice observation and feedback instrument Individual induction plan
Professional Development Plan Experienced Teachers Professional development catalog offerings Advanced Content Institute Advanced training on research—based instructional strategies/differentiation Training on textbooks and instructional materials Assessment training Standards-based unit
Professional Development Plan Advanced Certifications Reading specialist Certificate/Credential Gifted and Talented Teacher Certificate National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification
Beliefs About Quality Leadership Effective leaders exhibit characteristics described in the administrative standards. Administrators Have high expectations and believe all students can achieve Are continually learning, developing new skills and interests to improve, innovate and refine the educational system
Beliefs About Quality Leadership Communicate their vision, clarify purposes, and align strategies to reach school and district goals Lead their staffs in the examination of data/student work to determine next steps and monitor results to improve achievement Have the capabilities to develop and sustain strong interpersonal relationship with staff, parents, and the school community and inspire all stakeholders to support school and district goals.
Professional Development Plan Principals Training is based on administrative standards Instructional leadership Operational leadership Public leadership Disposition of a leader
Professional Development Plan Principals and Vice Principals Induction Program Transition/Site Orientation Time New Administrative Workshops Collegial Support/Principal Coaches Principal Buddy/Mentor Cohort Participation Association of California of School Administrators Handbook for New Administrators California Schools Leadership Association
Professional Development Plan Principals Training Summer workshops Monthly professional development sessions Walkthrough process Cohort groups Professional book clubs Administrative coaches