M ONMOUTH U NIVERSITY OFFICE OF RESIDENTIAL LIFE The Residential Experience Presented By: Raymond D. Gonzalez Associate Director for Residential Life
Responsible for students residing in 11 on-campus residence halls, 3 on-campus apartment complexes and 3 off-campus apartment complexes Provide personal and developmental support to residential students Assist in the development of a community within a floor, wing and building for students to: Learn Grow developmentally Meet new people Mediate conflict Interact with classmates Identify with peers Experience college life in a safe and exciting way! The Role of the Office of Residential Life
Leadership Team consisting of 2 Associate Directors and 1 Assistant Director 6 Full-time Area Coordinators Staff Members 1 st Responders 24/7-365 Supervise Areas Foster Community Train/Advise Student Staff Work with MU Community 50+ Para-Professionals Upper-class students Responsible role models 2.5 GPA or better Show ability to lead Staffing
Students are Adults – They must know and understand the Student Code of Conduct – Residence Hall Guidebook and Housing Contract – Contributing members of their floor, suite and residence hall community – Ask questions and utilize resources on-campus Respect – Each other, the staff and the community they live in This is their “Home” now – Personal Accountability See it, Hear it, Report it…Look out for each other Respect MUPD and the building Staff Sign-up for Connect-Ed It is not “OK” to let strangers in Fire Safety – Fire Drills and Equipment Our Expectation of Residents
Parent Traps: Advice for the whole family Remember To… Allow your student to experience the new environment on his/her own Call before you visit and meet in the lobby Pay close attention to what your student says and urge them to talk to someone on-campus if needed Discuss privacy and FERPA with your student since by law, the University cannot release certain information without consent from the student Reiterate to your student that they need to be active and responsible for addressing their hurdles Accept that your student may falter during this time of growth and that the University staff shall help them along their way of personal development Try to Avoid… Dining or socializing with your student during the crucial first few weeks where he/she needs to be bonding with their peers Popping in unannounced because your student will be active and engage in a lot of impromptu activities Assuming that your student will “get over” a romantic break-up, death of a friend, or other personal crisis Expecting the University to inform you of financial, academic, discipline and/or health problems Jumping into protection mode and trying to fix any and all problems your student may encounter “My child is an angel! They would never…”
Move-In and Adjustment Home Sickness Setting Boundaries and Exploring… New Friends and Old Friends Learning about Roommates/Community Dealing with Confrontation Testing the Rules Semester Break The Fall Semester
Returning to Campus Dealing with the previous fall Spring Break Planning Adjusting Priorities – Academic and Social Planning for the next Fall Handling Relationships Going Home Spring Semester
Encourage them to Share Ideas/Backgrounds Getting Involved Respecting Each Other Managing Time and Avoiding Distractions Becoming a Responsible Participant Knowing how to use resources More Talk – less TEXT Identify Potential Obstacles Set-up and check MU ! Help Your Student Be a Successful Community Member
Year 1: Assigned by the Office of Residential Life based on the information provided on their housing contract (music, studying, etc.) Year 2: Housing Selection System for on-campus housing Year 3 and 4 Housing Selection System for on-campus housing Application process for University Sponsored off- campus housing Housing assignments will be mailed out on or around July 5th. This will include the roommate(s) name, phone number and address Assignments are random and we are unable to accommodate specific building requests Housing at Monmouth University
QUESTIONS? We can be reached at , Monday through Friday, 8:45am – 5:00pm or via at @MonmouthResLife Monmouth University Office of Residential Life