ESMS New Teacher Orientation Our Mission is to maximize student learning and personal responsibility through a rigorous standards-based curriculum, a safe and respectful climate, and the collaborative efforts of staff, students and parents. ESMS: Where GRReat Things Happen! Silver Level Award for Effective Practices, 2011 Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Excelsior Springs Middle School Presenters Chris Hubbuch, Principal 5th year at Excelsior Springs Middle School Member of the Tier 2 PBS Team Keelie Stucker, Assistant Principal 8th year at Excelsior Springs Middle School Member of the Tier 1, 2 & 3 PBS Teams Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Excelsior Springs Middle School KC metro area 615 students Grades % Free/Reduced Lunch Rate 88.9% White 42 Staff Members 4.8% Black Recovery Room 3.9% Hispanic Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Excelsior Springs Middle School PLC ODRs PBS ODRs RtI ODRs PBS Tier ODRs PBS Tier *310 ODRs *projection Daily 30 minute intervention block (four days academic, one day social skills) Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Tier 1 - Universal: For all students, preventative, proactive, core curriculum Academic Curriculum: Essential Standards SMART Goals Instruction: Research-based instructional strategies (Marzano) Differentiated Instruction Assessment: Universal screening of students (MAZE, MCAP) Classroom benchmark assessments (Acuity) Common formative assessments (Acuity) Classroom Interventions: Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) for reading MAP Attack - specific GLE instruction Student Supports: WEB (6th grade transition program) Transfer Student Induction Process Parent/guardian contacts Behavior School-wide: Behavioral expectations defined (GRR Matrix) Behavioral expectations taught (GRR 101, Transfer Student Induction Process) Continuum of consequences for appropriate behavior (Tiger Paws, GRR incentives, recognition programs) Continuum of consequences for problem behavior (discipline procedure flowchart, Fred Jones, BIST) Continuous active supervision and monitoring across all school settings (Hallway Sweeps, Olweus BPP) Continuous monitoring, collection, and use of data for decision-making (SWIS, Tier 1 Team) Classroom: Expectations/rules identified, taught, and acknowledged Routines identified, taught, and acknowledged High rates of positive feedback 4:1 Active supervision Respectful redirect/error correction Multiple opportunities to respond Activity sequence/offer choice Academic success/task difficulty More Intensive More Targeted ESMS Pyramid Response to Intervention
Tier 2 - Strategic: For some students, more intense, high efficiency, rapid response Academic Classroom Intervention: Read 180 program Small Group Interventions: Question Generation Strategy, Mental Imagery, Error Correction, Repeated Reading, Quick Reads, Fry Phrases, Ed Mark Reading, Gist Strategy, Intentional Non-learner group Student Supports: Counselor contact Parent contacted by teachers, counselors, administration Mandatory Study Hall (after school) After school tutoring (A+ Tutors, classroom teachers) Academic recovery (during special events) Problem Solving Team Check & Connect Behavior Discipline Procedures: Office Referral Form (major problem behaviors) Minor Referral Form (student sent to buddy room) Parent contacted by teachers, counselors, administration Recovery Room Problem Solving Process: Student nomination process Tier 2 Team Data decision rule (3 Major ODRs, 6 Minor ODRs) Problem Solving Team Student Supports: Check-in, Check out Check & Connect Social Skills Group Instruction Tier 3 - Intensive: For individual students, assessment-based, high intensity Academic Systems 44 Reading Intervention Corrective Reading Problem Solving Team Check & Connect Behavior Functional Behavioral Assessment District Behavior Specialist Behavior Improvement Plans Problem Solving Team Check & Connect More Intensive More Targeted
Transfer Student Induction Model Purpose: Ensure that every student is known by at least one trusted adult in our building. Support Tier 1 PBS structures. Early intervention based on student data. Hubbuch, C., Stucker, K. (2011). Transfer Student Induction Model, Excelsior Springs Middle School, Missouri. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Transfer Student Induction Model Step 1 – Parent Connection Step 2 – Student Connection Step 3 – Screening for Interventions Step 4 – Small Group Instruction Step 5 – Progress Monitoring Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Focus of the Tier 2 PBS Team Analyze data of major and minor referrals. Determine students who meet the data decision rule for a Tier 2 intervention. Review student intervention planning guides to determine appropriate intervention. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Focus of the Tier 2 PBS Team Implement the Behavior Education Program (BEP), otherwise known as Check-in, Check out. Reviews the implementation of Check & Connect. Implement and analyze the results of social skills group during ELT. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Intervention Planning Guide Data Collection: Grades, attendance, tardies, problem behaviors reported by teacher and frequency of the behaviors. Information is collected by the Behavior interventionist (Recovery Room teacher). Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Intervention Planning Guide Problem Solving Team: Administration, Behavior interventionist, Tier 2 & 3 team members The intervention planning guide helps determine the primary and secondary concerns. An intervention is selected based on their behavior needs in the setting. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Check-in, Check out This intervention increases the frequency of contingent feedback from the teacher(s) and supervisor. This intervention is capable of providing behavioral support to a moderate-sized group of at-risk students (10-30 students). Crone, D., Horner, R., & Hawken, L. (2010). Responding to problem behavior in schools: The behavior education program. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Check-in, Check out This requires low effort from teachers. CiCo is managed by our behavior interventionist. CiCo involves a daily and weekly cycle. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Check-in, Check out Student checks in with the behavior interventionist and receives their Daily Progress Report (DPR). The student carries the DPR throughout the day and hands the form to teachers each period. The student retrieves the DPR from their teacher and receives feedback related to expected social behaviors. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Check-in, Check out The Tier 2 Team meets to review the data to modify the plan or begin the phase out process. Our behavior interventionist logs CiCo data into the SWIS database. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Check-in, Check out Main ideas: Positive adult interactions Monitor progress Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Social Skills Success Groups This is a small group intervention that meets during our ELT block, two or four days each week. Data decision rules or nominations from teachers determine eligibility. Baseline data is collected. Students are grouped by social skills needed. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Social Skills Success Groups Counselors facilitate the groups. DPR Data is collected to monitor progress toward identified social skills. Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Check & Connect Evelo, D., Sinclair, M., Hurley, C., Christenson, S., & Thurlow, M. (1996). Keeping kids in school: Using check and connect for dropout prevention. Four Components Mentor Systematic monitoring Timely and individualized intervention Enhancing home-school communication and home support for learning Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Check & Connect Core Elements Relationships Problem solving Individualized, data-based intervention Affiliation with school and learning Persistence-plus Focus on alterable indicators of disengagement Following students and families Excelsior Springs Middle School ▪ Visit for more information
Contact Information Chris Hubbuch, Keelie Stucker, Assistant Excelsior Springs Middle School (816) Link to our PBS Resources