Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Vision Statement –Highly qualified STEM teachers –Problem-based STEM curricula –Rural schools network –New models for STEM instruction –Science literacy –Students pursuing STEM careers
Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Mission Statement –Purdue will develop, implement, and evaluate an innovative STEM masters program to prepare highly qualified science and math teachers with expertise in problem-based learning for rural secondary schools in Indiana. –STEM Goes Rural (SGR) partners will collaboratively develop models for using distance education to provide high quality STEM education in rural communities.
Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Project Goals –Develop field-based, interdisciplinary STEM Masters Programs. –Develop and support a Purdue Rural Schools Network –Develop an evidence-based curriculum that fits the culture of rural communities. –Create new models of effective teacher education –Increase STEM interests and achievement in Indiana's rural schools.
Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Project Goals continued –Develop an assessment system –Foster collaborative interdisciplinary research
Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Project Implementation – Leadership Team –Vic Lechtenberg, Purdue Interim Provost/Vice Provost for Engagement –Sidney Moon, Associate Dean in the College of Education –Chris Sahley, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education in the College of Science –Managing Director, TBA
Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Project Implementation- Advisory Board Role - to provide input during the planning and implementation stages of the project. Composition - Faculty and Deans/Associate Deans from the Colleges of Education, Engineering, Science, and Technology, P-12 superintendents, and other stakeholders.
Project Implementation – Advancement Team –Team members Purdue Foundations Director College of Education Advancement Director College of Science Advancement Director Marketing and communications experts. –Responsibilities Assist with all aspects of project fund raising, marketing, communications, and public relations. Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program
Prospective Students –Graduates of Purdue in the STEM disciplines who want to teach in rural secondary schools –Students currently enrolled in, or applying for, Indiana STEM transition to teaching programs –Persons living and working in rural areas of Indiana with STEM degrees and an interest in teaching –Practicing scientists and engineers who are interested in a second career in STEM education –Returning veterans with STEM backgrounds who are interested in becoming teachers.
Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Program and Curriculum –STEM education rural schools. –Problem-based, content-rich STEM education for P-12 students and secondary teacher education candidates –Networking, collaboration, and STEM instruction via distance learning technologies –Context-specific curriculum modules that link STEM concepts to rural issues and problems –A three-year mentoring and induction program that provides advanced STEM teacher education skills such as integrating technology and engineering into science and math curricula and curriculum development
Woodrow Wilson Indiana Fellowship Program Project Outcomes –Increased science learning by secondary science students in targeted rural schools, as measured by standardized achievement tests and performance rubrics. –Hiring and retention of 80% of program fellows in rural, secondary school STEM teaching for three years following graduation. –A robust model for enhancing secondary STEM education in rural schools through collaboration and technology. –Presentation and/or publication of 3-5 scholarly products per year, beginning with year 3 of the project.