MNA M osby ’ s Long Term Care Assistant Chapter 34 Admitting, Transferring and Discharging
Admission Official entry into a nursing center Can cause anxiety and fear for residents and family
Discharge Official departure from a nursing center Family notified in advance Rights are protected
Transfer Moving to another health care setting or to a new room within the same facility. Obtain help from a co-worker
OBRA Standards Privacy and Confidentiality Protect resident ’ s rights Inform resident and family Resident ’ s best interests are considered
Admitting Concerns Fear of the unknown Fear of mistreatment Separation form family Loss of independence Leaving home and possessions behind
Needed Information Activity level Special equipment or supplies needed Level of orientation
Admissions Dementia May need extra help Confusion, agitation are common Family is fearful or guilty Resident will want to leave Help to feel safe and welcome!
Admitting the Resident FIRST IMPRESSION Greet by name Introduce self Be Professional Treat with dignity and respect
Safety and Security Meet needs Describe good things about the center Tour facility Remember the center is now the resident ’ s HOME
Admission Procedure Measure V/S Measure Ht/Wt Water Pitcher
Admission Procedure Complete a clothing and personal belonging list Explain signal lite, bed controls Introduce room mate
Admission Procedure Describing jewelry
Admission Procedure Remember Side rails are seldom used and only with a doctor ’ s order
Admission Procedure You may ask family members to leave if needed to ensure resident privacy
Measuring Ht/Wt Measured on admission Then daily,weekly or monthly Same clothes each time, usually gown or PJs Void first Weigh same time Privacy
Measuring Ht 12 = 1 24 =2 36 =3 48 =4 60 =5
Measuring Ht 52 = 34 = 65 = 74 = 68 = 62 = 70 = 4 4 2 10 5 5 6 2 5 8 5 2 5 10 GOOD JOB!
Measuring Weight
Measuring Weight
Measuring Ht/Wt Wt can be done with bed scales Ht can be done in bed also Follow manufacture ’ s directions for bed scales
Transfers Moving rooms Change in health Roommate issue Move to private or semi-private May be upset. Avoid “ pat answers ”
Discharges Usually planned in advance Help resident to pack belongings Assist to car
Discharges If a resident want to leave the facility w/o permission: Tell the nurse
Review You should complete the admission process as quickly as possible TrueFalse
Review Always raise the SR before leaving the room TrueFalse
Review You may ask family members to leave the room to ensure privacy. TrueFalse
Review You may provide discharge instructions to the resident and family. TrueFalse
Review Before you weigh the resident, ask them to ____________________. Void
Review PrnTid StatW/C HtWt QodQid As needed immediately height Every other day 3X day Wheel chair Weight 4X day