Fall 2009 Capstone Progress Report: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-narrative abstract animation: 21 st Century Art + Technology in Motion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Mariko Nihonyanagi Advisor: Pat Watson For:~~~~~~~~~ CST 400 Dr. Bude Su CSUMB School of iTCD (BS)
Quick Overview: Problem: Animation is mostly seen as a means to a commercial end –Feature animations (Pixar, Disney) –Video & Computer Games –Hollywood Special FX –Motion Graphics for Advertising and TV Station IDs Historical use of animation as an art and design form is relegated to small niche
Quick Overview: Background Non-commercial animation too time- consuming and expensive to pursue. Aesthetic exploration of 3D animation forms confined to experimental media programs (MIT, Cambridge, RIT, Pratt, etc.). Minimal integration of essential design theory and aesthetic values with non- narrative 3D.
Solution: A non-narrative, abstract 3D animation 30 second to 2 minute animation that integrates the technical demands of 3D animation with design and art aesthetics Will showcase the blend of art and visual design concepts with 3D technology Pilot project to facilitate grant application in partnership with the National Steinbeck Center
Project Progress: Storyboards
Storyboards Contd.
Project Progress: Animatic Video of drawing simple gird design Transform to 2D vector shapes Recreate design with motion Transform shapes to 3D Slowly change shapes into a metaphorical landscape so that they match the poem Show poem at end Parts likely to change with feedback from advisor or for artistic/design reasons
Poem: “Dreams” Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. ~Langston Hughes
Alternate Poem “Auguries of Innocence” To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. ~ William Blake
Problems Storyboard and animatic might need some revisions Concept art needs to be done soon Sound needs to be decided on soon Models need to be started on
Reasons Roommate problem ~This has really thrown me off ~This afternoon I am going to have a mediation with the RA and my roommate about the problem My computer recently died and I had to get a new one ~Maya won’t install on it
Solutions I will work on concept art this month. I will also work on finding audio this month. I still have enough time to finish my models by the end of February. I don’t believe these problems will keep this project from being completed on time. Only a major catastrophe like losing all my files a week before the capstone festival would keep me from completing my project on time.
This has been a