Could You Make it on Your Own? Finding a job, a place to live, and figuring out the cost of living…
In order to survive, you have to find a job…
30 Days, Minimum Wage
Conditions: 1. Entry Level 2. Nothing above a high school diploma required 3. Minimum wage (nothing above $10 per hour) 4. Must be a full-time position = 40 hours a week
Once you have a job, you can find a place to live…
30 Days, Minimum Wage
Conditions: 1. Must be within a 10 to 15 minute commute to work (you do not want to waste money on gas to get to a job that pays you minimum wage)
2. Rent cannot be more than ½ you monthly income (to qualify, most places want you to make 3 times the rent amount) example: If rent is $450 a month, you should make anywhere from $1000 to $1400 to qualify
3. Determine whether you will need a roommate or two… how will the rent be divided? (keep in mind this will help cut down you cost of living since you will also be able to split utilities)
30 Days, Minimum Wage
And remember, if it were EASY, we wouldn’t call it WORK!