Technology Matrix Mathematics Grade 4 Heather Ross December 1, 2010
Lesson Planning Matrix Template Mathematics Connecticut Standards Whole GroupSmall GroupIndependent Learning/Centers Project-Based Learning 2.2 Use numbers and their properties to compute flexibly and fluently, and to reasonably estimate measures and quantities Smart Board Lesson 2.1 Understand that a variety of numerical representations can be used to describe quantitative relation-ships. Non linear Power point 4.1 Collect, organize and display data using appropriate statistical and graphical methods. Online simulation 4.3 Understand and apply basic concepts of probability. Virtual manipulatives
Smart board I will use the Smart board Lesson to assist the students with adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators. A teacher created lesson will be used to assist the students in their understanding of adding/subtracting fractions. Students will be able to interact with the Smart board I find this specific technology useful in the classroom because it gets all the students actively participating in the lesson. Though they are not always the ones at the board, they need to see if their peers are correctly doing the tasks. By allowing the students to write on the technology board, if they make a mistake, they are able to quickly erase it. The immediate gratification of getting the answer correct also boosts their confidence. By having the teacher design the lesson to sacrificially target the needs of the class (using personal names or specific names to the class/school/neighborhood) it will get the students attention. The teacher will be able to assess whether or not the student have learned the essential knowledge or skills is by seeing if the students understand what is being taught along the way. Also, pre and post tests are good references as well. Students can also be given tests on the Smart Board, to see if the concept has be “captured”. Students can buddy up with struggling students to assist them as well.
Non Linear Power point I will use the Non Linear Power Point presentation in small groups to assist the students with the use of number lines, pictures and models, including rulers to determine and identify equivalent ratio and fractions. A teacher created lesson will be used to assist the students in their understanding of these relationships. By honing in on weak areas, the students have a tailored made lesson that they can practice on. I find this specific technology useful in the classroom because it gets all the students actively participating in the lesson in small groups. This can used as a pre teaching tool or a review tool for struggling students. A paraprofessional can be shown the lesson and then they can take over the small group and work with the students. Even by pulling these kids into the library, they can each have their own computer and the paraprofessional can assist them. By having the teacher design the lesson to specifically target the needs of the class (using personal names or specific names to the class/school/neighborhood) it will get the students attention. If the students do not understand a specific lesson, then the paraprofessional can document the slides/issues and then lessons can be formed to re-teach the lesson. The teacher will be able to assess whether or not the student has learned the essential knowledge or skills is by seeing if the students understand what is being taught along the way. Also, teacher can create tests can be made to see where the weaknesses are and to see if gains have been made. Specific questions will be tailored to meet the students needs to see if they understand the concepts.
On line Simulation I will use the On line simulation in independent learning centers. Students will be given different websites to watch in review of the previous lessons or for a preteach for students who need to see more visual demonstrations. Students would learn about collecting, organizing and representing data that answers questions using simple circle graphs and broken line segments. I find this specific technology useful in the classroom because it can target specific skills to specific students and they benefit by getting to use the computer. It does not feel like they are “weak” in the material area. Such sites include for adding fractions By having the teacher choose the websites (perhaps ones made by other teachers or other students) the lesson can target the needs of the particular students. The teacher will be able to assess whether or not the student have learned the essential knowledge or skills is by seeing if the students understand what is being taught along the way. Also, pre and post tests are good references as well. Students can then explain to the teacher or paraprofessional what they have learned and can demonstrate the concept. Students can be given the opportunity to graph in the classroom, such as students can graph the correlation with those that complete homework to those that passed the tests.
Virtual Manipulatives I will use the Virtual Manipulatives to assist students to conduct probability experiments and express the probability based on possible outcomes. The website can be used to gather up information for the lesson. Working together, students will be able to come up with possible scenarios to use the concepts of probability. I find this specific technology useful in the classroom because it gets all the students actively participating in the lesson. They are the ones in control and can see immediate results. By seeing the students successfully complete the task, the teacher will be able to see if the students have an understanding of the lesson or not. The teacher will be able to assess whether or not the student have learned the essential knowledge or skills is by seeing if the students understand what is being taught along the way. Also, pre and post tests are good references as well. Students can also be both oral tests, working cooperatively and written tests to see if material is understood. Students can come up with possible scenarios, different from ones they were working on and demonstrate it to the class.