Aquaculture and Development World Bank Workshop Viet Nam January 2008 partnership. excellence. growth.


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Presentation transcript:

Aquaculture and Development World Bank Workshop Viet Nam January 2008 partnership. excellence. growth

aquaculture - the issues

aquaculture, food and livelihoods increases social and environmental resilience –ecologically efficient aquatic herbivores and food webs increases ‘crop per drop’ –relieves pressure on wild fish –use economically marginal resources salinized groundwater, borrow pits, irrigation channels –helps build resilient livelihoods high value crop mitigate climate change impacts green plants feed fish pond

aquaculture and development one of the most innovative and rapidly growing food sectors –technical developments –market opportunities –investment majority of aquatic foods provides opportunities for millions –12 million Asian fish farmers multiplier effects throughout value chain global fish production year million tonnes capture culture source: FAO

seed feedstuffs feed mill farmertransporterretailerconsumer produce fish transport fry, fish & feeds access to affordable fish operate a hatchery produce aqua-feeds fish trader grow feed ingredient crops aquaculture and economic growth highly effective means of maximizing benefits from agriculture for development

but … some remain poorly informed –poor enabling environment –lack of investment real concerns –can production meet growth in demand? rate of aquaculture growth slowing –impacts of expansion, intensification and globalization makes unsustainable demands on the environment perpetuates/aggravates inequity and social exclusion susceptible to climate change, increasing vulnerability red tide, Inland Sea, Japan

aquaculture - the principles

key investment principles identify target groups and establish objectives at program/project outset and develop context-specific interventions adopt a people centered – sustainable livelihoods - approach stakeholders should adopt/modify technologies that both maximize productivity and minimize environmental demands to user capabilities and needs understand, and secure access to, present and future markets understand the roles of support infrastructure and the importance of mainstreaming aquaculture into watershed planning and engage with private/public sectors and civil society to create an enabling environment

implementing the principles case study 1

USAID DSAP, Bangladesh Development of Sustainable Aquaculture Project –farmer, NGO, public sector, researcher partnership clarify objectives –improve resilience of small-scale farmers through better technologies design context-specific investments –develop sustainable extension support –increase stakeholder technical knowledge –improve access to input markets

USAID DSAP, Bangladesh adopt Sustainable Livelihoods approach that was household- based –household capabilities and assets –optimize on-farm resource use –increase profits and food security –empower women tailor technologies –Participatory Action Research –NGO capacity building (500 staff) –learning networks

USAID DSAP, Bangladesh understand markets –strong markets for affordable fish –lack of affordable finance, quality seed and feed create enabling environment –improved partnering arrangements –NGOs facilitated access to finance –SME distributed seed and feed production

USAID DSAP, Bangladesh - outcomes beneficiaries –68,400+ farmers food security –>8200 t household-level benefits –production – 1542 to 3046 kg ha -1 –aquaculture income - $1130 to $2200 ha -1 –total farm income - 13% to 17% –fish consumption - 46 to 58 g person -1 day -1 –empowerment of women

case study 2

integrated aquaculture (IAA), Malawi development of IAA, Malawi, since 1988 (various funding agencies, partners, stakeholders) identify target beneficiaries –low income, smallholder farmers HIV-AIDS affected households clarify objectives –improve food security (fish; crop per drop) and resilience of farmers through development and dissemination of technologies

IAA, Malawi design context-specific investments –increase stakeholder knowledge new approaches to extension –optimise on-farm resource use to maximize profits adopt Sustainable Livelihoods approach –assess farmer capabilities and assets –improve food security, profitability and nutrition –empower farmers (farmer groups) –empower women and children HIV-AIDS affected households

IAA, Malawi tailor technologies –Participatory Action Research holistic, whole-farm approach drought-resistant technologies technologies for women and child- headed households intensification of production understand markets –present and future create enabling environment

IAA, Malawi - outcomes from Dey et al. (2007) 5000 farmers increase of 22% per annum 1996 – 2001 (40% ) improved recycling, sustainability, resilience

84% 80% Social Inst. Environ 75% 71% 55% Human Capital 70% 68% 64% Technological Aspects from Bayesian network modeling from data mapping IAA, Malawi – scaling out *KAM Suan Pheng, WorldFish Center, and partners – Universities of Kassel, Hoenheim, Germany; Dept. Fisheries, Malawi Bangladesh; Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science

case study 3

river catfish, Vietnam cage culture of river catfish, Vietnam identify target beneficiaries –cage catfish farming SMEs clarify objectives –increase production for export design context-specific interventions –increase access to seed and feed –control disease –value chain development food safety (traceability, certification) niche markets

river catfish, Vietnam adopt Sustainable Livelihoods approach –assess capabilities and assets rice farmers, businessmen, pond operators tailor technologies –partnerships between government researchers, universities, farmers associations and commercial sector feed, hatchery, disease, processing –develop learning networks (farmer to farmer) producer associations

river catfish, Vietnam markets –Europe 2003 PPP (BMZ/GTZ, Naturland e.V., Binca Seafood GmBH, An Giang Fisheries Association/SMEs; Thai auditing company) organic catfish standards enabling environment –govt.-prioritized export oriented aquaculture for economic growth rice culture reduced by 120,000 ha transition from SOE to SMEs

river catfish, Vietnam - outcomes 1 million tonnes (>$1 billion) –1.5% GDP –growth of 20% p.a. for ten years –employs tens of thousands –increased food security sustainability –markets (US) –environmental strong policy environment and implementing institutions Vietnam’s fishery exports (value) 2006