The Common Core State Standards: The Foundation for Teaching and Learning Kimberly Teboho Bertocci Riley, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education March 30, 2012
Outline The Standards The Current Context State Implementation Challenges for States Challenges for Educator Preparation Higher Education and Educator Preparation Implementation Learn More
The Standards Are aligned with college and work expectations; Are clear, understandable and consistent; Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills; Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards; Are informed by other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society; and Are evidence-based.
The Current Context Priority at the National Level 35 states surveyed by the Center on Education Policy expect to implement the standards no sooner than the school year, which is also when the CCSS aligned assessments are expected to be available. ◦Few states are aligning college admission requirements or curriculum standards. ◦Resources are a Challenge ◦Technology is a Challenge
State Implementation What’s on the mind of our nation’s governors? Communication with Key Stakeholders Curriculum and Instruction Professional Development Assessments: PARC and Smarter Balanced What’s on the mind of educators? ◦Professional Development Materials ◦Aligning Content ◦Modifying Evaluation Systems ◦Developing New Teacher Induction Programs ◦Aligning Content of Teacher Preparation Programs with the CCSS.
Challenges for States Finding Adequate Resources Interaction with Higher Education Assessments Politics What does college and career ready mean?
Challenges for Educator Preparation Budgets Faculty Preparedness Clinical Experience ◦Preparing Teacher Candidates for Clinical Experiences ◦Working with K-12 partners to discuss the implications of CCSS implementation for cooperating teachers and teacher candidates.
Higher Education and Educator Preparation Implementation Aligning Program Standards Working with the Arts and Sciences Designing Professional Development for Faculty Engagement on Work Groups Engagement in Statewide Initiatives
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