AACP: Status:24AUG20101 WORLD BANK FINANCED Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project ( AACP ) Status Over View
AACP: Status:24AUG20102 Department Wise Financial Status as on 24-August-2010
AACP: Status:24AUG20103 Overall Status – Key Physical Progress ParticularsProject TargetAs on July 10,2010 Up gradation of Rural Road -715 Km620 RCC Bridges181 No163 Road Rehabilitation1000 Km398 STW60000 Nos46564 LLP20000 Nos12346 Tractor750 Nos.711 Power Tiller1500 Nos.1071 Wholesale/ Rural Market42 Nos35 Construction of Block Resource Centre123 Nos112 Farmer’s Pond2500 ha2264 Community tank500 ha461 Beel Fishery1000 ha675 AI Program nos Forest : JFMC53 Nos.53
AACP: Status:24AUG20104 PWD (Rural Roads ) ItemTargetAchievement till % of achievement Up gradation of Rural Road 715 Km620 Km (rest in advance stage of completion) ** 87 Bridges181 No163 No.85 Road Rehabilitation1000 Km398 Km (in progress 401 Km and 138 Km under BER 59% (Approx. with works in progress)
AACP: Status:24AUG20105 Agriculture Department ItemTargetAchievement till % of achievement STW60000 Nos LLP20000 Nos Tractor750 Nos71195 Power Tiller1500 Nos Land Development20000 Ha Wholesale Market24 Nos19 OngoingAv.Prog 34% Rural Haat18 Nos16 OngoingAv. Prog 46% ATMA11 Nos11100 Establishment of BRC123 Nos11291
AACP: Status:24AUG20106 Fishery Department ItemTargetAchievement till % of achievement Farmers pond2500 Ha Community Tank500 Ha46192 Integrated fish Farming250 ha Beel Fisheries1000 Ha67568 Fish seed hatchery (Mini)24 Nos2296 Capacity building35000 Nos
AACP: Status:24AUG20107 Forest Department ItemTargetAchievement till % of achievement a) Divisions Coverage 2 pilot + 7 (new) Nos 9 Nos100 b) JFMC 15 old + 38 (new) Nos 53 Nos100 c) Afforestation (new) Ha Ha. (Rest in progress) 19 d) Construction of Divisional, Range Beat officer buildings/ staff quarters (new) Nos 21 Nos17 e) Construction of community hall 10 Nos10 nos100 f) forest road renovation (new) Km 40 Km21 New Divisions and JFMCs added after MTR Mission and in
AACP: Status:24AUG20108 AH &VETY Department ItemTargetAchievement till % of achievement Gopal Mitra400 (Revised 166 ) Nos. 166 (rest dropped by Bank) 100 AI Programme Nos (Calves born ) 92 AH Camps2560 Nos Fodder seed, UMMB licks distribution Nos Training of farmers and officers 1486 Nos Exhibition9 Nos.667
AACP: Status:24AUG20109 Dairy Department ItemTargetAchievement till % of achievement Formation Dairy Co- operatives Societies (DCS) 350 (Revised 312) Nos DCS registered350 (Revised 312) Nos Formation of Self Help Group (SHG) 150 Nos8255 Study on Dairy Sector through ILRI, Kenya 1 Study 100 Training & Exposure Visits for DCS members, entrepreneurs
AACP: Status:24AUG201010