Welcome to Class 4
How we are working? Class teachers - Miss Webster and Miss Swepson TA - Miss Popple and Mrs Banfield Games Coaches – Boston United
Topics TERM 1 and 2 –Ancient Egypt! TERM 3 and 4 –Light and Sound TERM 5 –The Rise of the Romans TERM 6 –Splish, Splash, Splosh
Core subjects Literacy –Dilemma story and Information texts –Poetry and Journalistic recounts –Narrative verse and Explanation texts –Play scripts and Evaluating evidence –Stories with a historical setting –Newspapers –Stories from another culture –Persuasive writing
Core subjects Numeracy –Number – Number and Place Value (including Roman Numerals) –Number – Addition and subtraction –Number – Multiplication and division –Number – fractions including decimals & % (including adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions) –Measurement –Geometry – Properties of shape –Geometry – Position and direction –Statistics
Homework Monday – Diaries are signed and checked. Tuesday – Nothing at the moment! Wednesday – Spellings given out for the following week and tested. –Spellings may be tested in sentences. –Spellings may be linked to their definitions. Maths homework OR Language and Literacy purple books handed IN. Thursday – Maths homework OR Language and Literacy purple books handed OUT. Friday – Nothing at the moment! Reading for 10 minutes five times a week.
Trips and dates Parents evening in October and terms 3/4 Day visits to enhance topics – hopefully in terms 3, 4 or 5! Churches together festival Mini Olympics – term 5/6
Parental Help PLEASE Help and support with homework Signing homework diaries Times tables PE kits Trips – helpers are always welcome
Facebook Privacy settings Be one of your child’s Friends and monitor their discussions Don’t have strangers as Friends Don’t use Facebook in their bedrooms
Remember the School Web Site for additional information
Any questions? If you have any questions at a later date, please find me at the gate, or phone, for an appointment.