AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Modeling of Watershed Systems Lauren Hay Steve Markstrom Steve Regan Roland Viger Christian Ward-Garrison Shannon Poole
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) Modular, deterministic, distributed-parameter, physical-process based model Evaluate the hydrologic response of various combinations of climate, land use, topography, and hydrogeology.
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Precipitation Plant Canopy Interception Solar Radiation Air temperature Evaporation Sublimation Groundwater Reservoir Evaporation & Transpiration Rain Recharge Groundwater Flow Interflow Groundwater source Upslope Surface Runoff and Interflow Snow Pack Snow Snowmelt Streamflow and Lake Routing Soil Zone Rain Impervious Reservoir Hortonian Runoff Rain Dunnian Runoff Snowmelt Upslope Groundwater Flow Groundwater Sink
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Upslope Dunnian Surface Runoff and Interflow Preferential-Flow Reservoir Slow Interflow Fast Interflow Dunnian Surface Runoff Hortonian Surface Runoff Gravity Reservoir Throughfall, Snowmelt, and Upslope Hortonian Surface Runoff Gravity Drainage Evaporation and Transpiration Capillary Reservoir Depression Storage Direct Recharge Impervious
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Allow for any preprocessed, daily climate data by HRU Growing season by HRU based Dynamic parameters (any time step and location) Dynamic water-use transfers (any time step and location) Expand distributed parameterization Political, economic, environmental and other changes can input to explore the impacts of policy decisions and other factors using scenario analysis. Changes historic and projected include: Urbanization Agricultural and forestry practices Fire Flood Drought Growing and shifting populations Climate Biodiversity loss
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Stream and lake flow routing Couple models CSV output of simulations results
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Any method of climate distribution to HRUs Gridded data: e.g., Prism, DayMET, Mauer, RCM, GCM Computed: e.g., XYZ Data types Precipitation Minimum and maximum air temperature Solar radiation Potential ET Active transpiration Separate Input Files Can be different time-series extent than Data File and each other, must include simulation time period Any number of data types
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Growing season defined between the average last killing frost (Spring) and first killing frost (Fall) dates Computed: Pre-process model mode for specified simulation time period and freezing temperature using USACE method Any user-determined method
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Any time step Any HRU (full model domain to subsets) Data types: Impervious fraction and storage Surface depression fraction and depth Canopy type, density, and storage Soil-zone storages Active transpiration Potential ET computation coefficients Assess the impacts of historical, current, and projected land-use, climate, and ecological change
Time-series of land-surface characteristics –GIS interface –GDP –NHDPlus Impervious Area Vegetation Land Cover Terrain and Hydrology
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Red: urban Gold: agriculture Green: forest
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Any time step Any HRU or stream segment Sources: Stream segment flow Groundwater storage Surface depression storage Lake HRU storage External Destinations: Sources Consumptive use Soil zone Canopy Environment Canada, 2006
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Agriculture is a major user of ground and surface water in the United States, accounting for approximately 80 percent of consumptive water use and over 90 percent in many Western States. Thermoelectric has highest surface water withdrawals, but, returns 98%, so only 3.3% of consumptive use. Residential consumptive use about 6.7%
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Change in mean annual water use in Australia between 1983/84 and 1996/97
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November GW to crop field Streamflow to consumptive use Lake storage to soil Streamflow to external location
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Basin-wide, scalar and monthly parameters now specified for each HRU Required for characterizing and calibrating Large models Mixed resolution models
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Streams Muskingum Replace outflow Lakes Fraction of HRU as surface depression storage Modified Puls Linear Flow through Replace outflow Broad-crested weir (seepage to and discharge from GW storage) Gate-opening time series (seepage to and discharge from GW storage)
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Loosely couple to any model to allow easy support and comparison to other hydrologic analysis and models Input climate model results by HRU Map simulation results to target model Spatial resolution of target model Selected time intervals Warm-up years Weekly Monthly Yearly Total simulation time period
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Current Climate Downscaled Climate from GCMs Watershed Model Stream Temperature Model Aquatic Occupancy Model Current Landcover Future Landcover Linked models Data sources Diverse spatial scales
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November Variables: Basin area-weighted states and fluxes Total storages Water Balance of reservoirs Segment outflow Measured streamflow Analysis using: Excel R scripts
AWRA Water Resources Conference Jacksonville, FL, November