Welcome to Curriculum Night! Shiloh Point Elementary School Third Grade
Tonight’s Agenda Nuts & Bolts Our Daily Schedule Homework Explanation 3 rd Grade Curriculum Sign up for conferences
Lunch- If you come to eat with your child at lunch, please meet us down at the cafeteria door. There is a table on the stage where you may eat with your child. Transportation- No changes may be made for buses. A routine must be established for bus riding. All changes in transportation must be received in a written note. , faxes, and phone calls are not accepted. It is very important it to have the child’s full name, address and car rider number on the note.
Birthdays! Your child’s birthday is a very special day! Please consider non-food items to share with the class – some students have allergies. If you do bring cupcakes, cookies, etc. please plan to stay and serve these to the class during our lunch time. Students with summer birthdays may choose any school day in May to celebrate their birthday!
Snacks/ Water Bottles If you send a snack with your child, please be sure it is a HEALTHY one. If sugar is one of the top three ingredients, please do not send it. Only one small snack is necessary Water bottles are allowed ; however, there are no other drinks (such as juice or Gatorade) in the classroom please!
BYOT Our class is a BYOT classroom ; however, students are not required to bring in a device. Please ensure your child’s device is appropriately “cleaned- up” before sending it to school. Delete pictures, website history, inappropriate auto correct options, etc. if they are not appropriate for your child to share. Remember, the BYOT contract does not allow even “one strike.”
Our Daily Schedule (varies among each individual teacher) 7:10 - 7:40Arrival: Daily Language/Math, Read to self 7:40 - 7:50Morning News 7:50 - 8:25RTI 8:30 - 9:15Specials 9:15 - 9:30Restroom/Snack/Calendar Math 9:30 -11:30Reading/Writing Workshop 11:30 -11:50Math 11:55 -12:25 Lunch 12:25 - 1:00Recess/Restroom 1:00 -1:35Math 1:35 - 1:55 Social Studies/Science 1:55-2:00 Pack/Class jobs 2:00-2:15 Self-Selected, Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) 2:20 Dismissal
Communication Please sign agenda each day – include what your child read for homework. Students will copy homework/spelling words in agenda. It is their responsibility. The newsletters will be posted on our class website. Red Monday Folder (day varies by teacher) – Parents/Teacher communication folder will contain: 1. School handouts/information 2. Weekly math/language homework sheets 3. Weekly behavior report stapled to graded papers. Please examine/ go over graded papers, sign where appropriate, and return folder on Tuesdays. I keep all of your child’s papers on file in the classroom.
Homework (Varies according to each teacher) Reading Log (in agenda) due every Friday Spelling practice daily Practice multiplication facts No homework on Fridays.
Common Core Georgia, along with 45 states, has adopted the New National Common Core Standards. Common Core Standards are designed to be rigorous and relevant to the real world reflecting the knowledge and skills children need for success in college and careers.
How Does Common Core Change What My Child Will Learn? Standards are aligned with college/work expectations Are clear, understandable, and consistent Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through higher order thinking skills Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Are informed by other top performing countries to prepare our students to compete globally
Our Subjects of Study Reading Math Science Social Studies Health Language Arts – Spelling – Writing/Grammar
Reading Curriculum condensed from Common Core Website Common Core requires students to read and understand a diverse array of classic and contemporary literature, and informational texts to build knowledge, gain insights, explore possibilities, and broaden their perspectives, including: Myths and stories from around the world Foundational U.S. Documents Informational texts in a range of subjects
Writing Curriculum Common Core requires that students be able to write: Opinion pieces: logical arguments based on sound reasoning showing relevant evidence. Narratives: stories, personal narratives Research/Informational : both short and longer focused projects
Speaking and Listening Students will gain, evaluate, and present increasingly complex information, ideas, and evidence through listening, speaking, and media. Academic discussion/collaboration is a key component of this standard.
Media and Technology Skills related to media use - both critical analysis and production of media – are integrated throughout the standards.
Math Curriculum Common Core states that students will have a solid foundation in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and decimals. Students need to have both a procedural and conceptual knowledge of these skills in order to retain them and be ready for higher levels instead of requiring reteaching each year. Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers Linear Measures and Area Multiplication and Division Place Value in Whole Numbers and Decimals Geometry Fractions and Probability Measurement and Money Analyzing and Graphing Data
Science/Health Curriculum The Scientific Method Heat and Energy Magnets Habitats of Georgia’s plants and animals Rocks and soils Fossils The Effects of Pollution Personal Safety Healthy living
Social Studies Curriculum Map and Globe Skills Greece- examining our democratic roots U.S. Government and U.S. Geography- physical features Key people in U.S. history Economics
Grading We use the standards- based report card in third grade. The grades are as follows: 4 - Complete standard mastery 3 - Consistent achievement toward mastery 2 - Moderate achievement toward mastery 1 - Limited achievement toward mastery
We wish you all “smooth sailing” on your child’s third grade year! (Please sign up for a conference before you leave.)