Welcome to 2 nd grade! Lakeshore Elementary
Our Contact Information Suzanne Barker (Math,Science,Social Studies) Phone (281) Kristen Gillen (RELA) Phone (281)
Websites Go to Select Lakeshore Elementary at the top of the page Click teacher websites Click on Barker, Suzanne Click on Gillen, Kristen
Snacks Cafeteria sells snacks during lunch. If you do not want your child to purchase snacks, you may contact the cafeteria at and request a lock to be placed on your child’s account. We will have a healthy snack break each day. Suggestions include: Fruit, chex mix, cereal, etc. Please do not send chips, candy, cookies, donuts, or snacks that require a spoon, etc. You are encouraged to send a sport top water bottle daily.
Daily Schedule Ms. Barker’s Class 7:30–7:50:Arrival 7:50-8:00: Unpack 8:00-8:15: Announcements 8:15-8:30: Den Time 8:30-10:45: Instruction (Handwriting, Math, Science/SS) 10:45 Switch to Ms. Gillen’s - 10:50-11:20 Recess 11:20-11:50: Lunch 11:50 -2:00: Instruction (Grammar, Reading, Writing) 2:00-3:00: Specials (3:05-3:20: Pack up/Dismissal Ms. Gillen’s Class 7:30–7:50:Arrival 7:50-8:00: Unpack 8:00-8:15: Announcements 8:15-8:30: Den Time 8:30-10:45: Instruction (Grammar, Reading, Writing) 10:45 Switch to Ms. Barker’s - 10:50-11:20 Recess 11:20-11:50: Lunch 11:50 -2:00: Instruction (Handwriting, Math, Science/SS) 2:00-3:00: Specials 3:05-3:20: Pack up/Dismissal
Daily Folder Please sign or initial the conduct log daily. Remember…”No news is good new!” Please send any correspondence via daily folder, we do not check backpacks. A reading log will be included in the daily folder. Your child is expected to read aloud for a minimum of 20 minutes per day. Record the title of the book on the reading log daily.
RULES: 1 Have all needed materials 2 Off-task behavior 3 Excessive talking 4 Respecting authority 5 Respecting peers 6 Following directions Leopards Expectations : Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be a Learner
Grading Procedures Scores - Definition 1- Below Basic- working below grade level 2- Basic- beginning to meet 3- Proficient- regularly meets 4- Advanced- consistently meets and often exceeds If your child has a 1 or a 2 on an assignment, please review at home. Not all work will be graded
Reading Benchmarks Each child will receive reading instruction daily in a small group which is based on their individual reading level. This ensures that each child is challenged yet not frustrated. Your child’s reading level is frequently assessed both formally and informally. Reading groups change according to your child’s needs.
16 BOY 28 EOY
Reading Benchmarks per 9 weeks 1 st 9 weeks – DRA level 18 2 nd 9 weeks – DRA level 20 3 rd 9 weeks – DRA level 24 4 th 9 weeks – DRA level 28 (On-level second grader begins at level 16 and progresses to level 28 by the end of the school year.)
Math Benchmarks For Beginning and End of Second Grade
By the end of the year students will be time tested on 30 addition/subtraction basic math facts in 2 minutes. *They should complete with 100% accuracy
Beginning 2 nd Grade Story Problem: Jake had 4 green cubes, 7 blue cubes and 5 yellow cubes. How many total cubes does Jake have?
STORY PROBLEMS: Explain Story Problem Routine. Solve single step and multi-step story problems and solve for unknown (addition and subtraction). End of Second Grade
Ending 2 nd Grade Multi-step Story Problem: Ms. Jones had 185 ribbons to hand out at her school for perfect attendance. Ms. Jones handed out 35 ribbons to 1 st and 2 nd graders. She handed out 58 to 3 rd and 4 th graders. She handed out 62 to 5 th graders. How many did she have left for the Kindergartners?
SOLVING FOR UNKNOWN: (“some” is unknown, we don’t know what we start with) Karen had some pennies. Her mother gave her 39 more pennies. Now Karen has 52 pennies. How many pennies did Karen have to start with?
NUMBERS: Compare, order, compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200. End of Second Grade
GRAPHS and DATA ANALYSIS For Beginning and End of Second Grade
GEOMETRY: Compose and decompose as well as classify attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes--2- D: # of sides and vertices. 3-D: # of faces, edges and vertices. End of Second Grade
TIME: Tell time to the minute on analog clock. Know AM and PM, elapsed time to the hour and half hour. Know how long a second, minute and hour. End of Second Grade
MONEY: Identify and determine value of coins up to a dollar. (Must be able to identify in black & white on worksheets) End of Second Grade
ALSO… Multiplication (adding equal groups) Division (dividing equal groups) Measuring Length (customary and metric) Fractions (as equal parts of a whole or set)
Homework Each month your child will receive a spelling menu with a variety of activities to choose from. This menu will be placed inside your child’s take home folder. Homework will begin the week of Sept 2nd. A Math Homework Packet will come home at the beginning of the week to reinforce skills we have worked on and will be due on Fridays. Homework will be checked every Friday.
Information Please send the information sheet back with your child, if you have not done so. If you have not received any of my s, please me with your name and address or write it down before you leave. will be used as our primary form of communication in an effort to go green.