1 Academic Systems and Professional Conditions in five European Countries Alessandro Cavalli & Roberto Moscati
2 Timing of academic career Academic careers slower the others Italy oldest – Finland younger (6.5 years of difference) Future impact of the Bologna Process? Age at first degree = U.K. earlier age Age at first full time job = Germany first;Italy last Age at actual position = Germany youngest;U.K. oldest
3 Timing of academic career/2 Years between 1° degree and 1° full time = Germany less the others Years between 1° degree and actual position = Germany less then the others// U.K. and Finland at the bottom Early stages of the academic career to be revised?
4 Academic and Political Activities Academic activities: Overall: 60% =ITA 74.6%! particularly for tenured, full time, senior level academics U.K: (97,/%-78,4%-77.4%) Political activities: Overall: 27.3% = Finland 41%-Norway 36.2% (Senior,tenured academics)
5 Identity Teaching+Research = ITA(85.9%)-Norway (52.5%) >Teaching = Finland (34.7%) >Research = Norway (88.6%) No differences Soft vs. Hard
6 Sense of belonging Discipline>Department>Institution Discipline (Norway,Finland,Germany) Department (Nordic countries) Institution (Finland, Italy) No real differences:Soft vs.Hard
7 Job Satisfaction General pessimistic image of the profession Nordic countries a little better Soft scientist more critical Majority satisfied with the prof. choice U.K. Least satisfied – Norwegians most More then 50% considered changing Less then ½ tried
8 Gender & Income Women more in soft sciences (Finland 59%) Women less in senior positions (U.K. 10.1%) Highest level of total income = Norway, Germany,U.K.,Finland Highest level for tenured = Germany,Norway