Mrs. Dalgleish, Mr. Culbertson, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Finnerty “The goal of education is to enable and inspire people to continue learning on their own. -John Dewey
5 th Grade Math Units of study Multiplication and Division : Finding Factors and Prime Factors Multiplication strategies Division strategies Volume: Students investigate concepts of volume by finding the volume of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones. Subtraction: Students study subtraction of large numbers by refining and gaining fluency in solving subtraction problems, including a study of the US algorithm for subtraction. Fractions and Percents: Students will find equivalent fractions Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions Use number lines to model fractions Compare fractions to find which is greater Measurement: Students will study conversions
5 th Grade Math Decimals, Fractions, and Percents: Understanding and Comparing Decimals Adding Decimals Converting Fractions to Decimals Multiplication and Division: Equivalence in Multiplication and Division Reviewing Multiplication Strategies Division Strategies and Notation Multiplying and dividing Larger numbers. Algebra: write and interpret numeric expression understand patterns E.O.G Review ***performance tasks performed throughout each unit of study
5 th Grade Science Scientific Inquiry: Scientific method. Students know that scientists use many process skills such as observing, recording, measuring, etc. in order to complete the scientific method Weather: Weather Vs. Climate Clouds and the Water Cycle Predicting/forecasting Local weather based on atmospheric conditions(ex. Fronts) The effect of the jet stream and ocean currents on weather Wind and the movement of air Matter: Properties and Change States of Matter Measuring weight and volume Energy: Conservation and Transfer Explain the effects of the transfer of heat) that occurs between objects at different temperatures. (conduction, convection or radiation). Explain how heating and cooling affect some materials
5 th Grade Science Ecosystems: Students know that organisms in an ecosystem can be producers, consumers, or decomposers. Students will understand food webs, food chains, cycles and energy pyramids that are commonly associated with ecosystems Forces and Motion : Students will understand Newton’s Laws Infer the motion of objects in terms of how far they travel in a certain amount of time and the direction in which they travel Structures and Functions of Living Organisms : Compare the major systems of the human body (digestive, respiratory, circulatory, muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular) Explain why some organisms are capable of surviving as a single cell while others require many cells to survive. Genetics: Explain why organisms differ from or are similar to their parents based on the characteristics of the organism Traits that are inherited
5 th Grade Social Studies HistoryGeography and Environmental Literacy Students will study European explorers and the relationships with the American Indian groups. Students will examine colonial life in the thirteen colonies. Students will study major conflicts, battles, and wars in the development of our country. Students will study the founding of our country, key figures, and the changing roles of our country. Students will study the impact of the physical environment and the impact on settlers; the effects of human activity on the physical environment, technological advances that helped overcome geographic limitations, and the impact of migration and immigration.
5 th Grade Social Studies EconomicsCivics and Governance Students will study international trade The impact of production, specialization, technology, and labor Developing a basic budget for spending and saving The cost and benefits of spending, borrowing, and saving. Culture The changing and impact of different cultures on the modern United States. The custom and traditions integrated into American society. The influence and development of the United States government. The structure and branches of the United States government and historical documents the help form our government. Understand the values and principles of a democratic republic, the rights and responsibilities of a citizen, and the protections the United States Constitution grants.
5 th Grade Language Arts Balanced LiteracyGuided Reading Immersing all students in a variety of genres is our goal. Students will be exposed to narratives, informational pieces, novels, newspapers, magazines, research documents, and a variety of other important documents. Literacy will be a balance of Social Studies standards, current events, writing, reading novels, whole group and small group instruction. We will strive for complete integration of subject matter. Students will be grouped based on their reading levels and MAPS assessments and provided instruction that is specific to their needs. Groups will work on fluency, word structure and meaning, comprehension, and reading strategies.
5 th Grade Language Arts Writing This year we will be using a writing workshop model based on the “Lucy Calkins” program and integrated into Social Studies. Students will work with the writing process in the beginning and use this writing process throughout the year to produce a variety of artifacts.
Homework is an extension of the classroom in the form of practicing concepts previously presented in the classroom. Students are expected to complete homework on the day it is assigned and turn it in the next day, unless otherwise specified by their teacher. Homework grades are used for effort and participation only. Students are expected to have their agenda and reading log signed every night. Thursday Folders should be reviewed, signed by a parent/guardian, and returned on Friday. Homework is an extension of the classroom in the form of practicing concepts previously presented in the classroom. Students are expected to complete homework on the day it is assigned and turn it in the next day, unless otherwise specified by their teacher. Homework grades are used for effort and participation only. Students are expected to have their agenda and reading log signed every night. Thursday Folders should be reviewed, signed by a parent/guardian, and returned on Friday.
GoalPercentage Number and Operations 45-50% Measurement 05% Geometry 10% Data Analysis and Probability 10% Algebra 20-25%
Scale A= B= C= D=60-69 F= 59 and below
As a student, I follow the CCS Pledge. I am… Hallway Classrooms Playground Cafeteria Bathrooms Assemblies Field Trips Dismissal Respectful by: Walking silently and respecting all classrooms Speaking to my classmates and teachers the way I would like others to speak to me Following all directions given by an adult Using respectful and appropriate language and actions Demonstrating good sportsmanship Following all directions given by an adult Waiting silently in line to be served and dismissed from the cafeteria Using manners in line and while eating your lunch Keeping the bathroom clean Respecting the privacy of others Entering and exiting silently in a single file line Sitting in my assigned area during performances Following the rules and procedures of CCS and the place I am visiting Participating in field trip activities and showing others I am glad to be there Following directions given by an adult Responsible by: Moving quickly to the classroom or a designated area Following my teachers directions and taking ownership of my learning Using playground equipment appropriately Letting an adult know if I see students being unsafe Making healthy food choices Picking up after myself and leaving my surroundings better than I found them Washing my hands Using all supplies and the facility as intended Using the bathroom in an appropriate and timely manner Listening attentively and remaining in my assigned space so as not to distract others or the performers Following all directions of the adults Making sure I handle field trip items appropriately Walking silently in a single file line to your assigned area Safe by: Keeping hands to self Walking on the right side of the hall in a single file line Following classroom rules, keep hands to self, and pick up after myself Asking permission to leave for any reason Always carrying a hall pass Remaining in assigned areas and keeping hands to self Walking at all times in the correct direction Staying in a single file line and maintaining personal space Ask permission to leave for any reason Reporting problems or concerns to an adult Remaining in assigned areas and keeping hands to self Asking permission to leave for any reason Staying with my chaperone and assigned group at all times Remaining in assigned areas and keeping hands to self