STRENGTHENING LOCAL DEMOCRACY THROUGH CAPACITY-BUILDING The experience of SE Europe and the Caucasus Directorate of Co-operation for Local and Regional Democratie (DCDLR)
Policy environment – the legal framework Understanding local government Assignment of competences and resources Territorial arrangements Implementing legislation Professional structure for elected and appointed officials
Policy environment – the institutions Institutional framework Relationship between state authorities and local government Institutional dialogue Transparency and accountability
Policy environment – LG capacity Leadership and strategic management Service provision Training Understanding of democracy and community participation
The Council of Europe’s programmes on Democratic Stability Strategic aims: Foster the decentralisation process Support local and regional self-government and its effective operation Ensure that Democracy takes root at local and regional level Corresponding goals: Improve the legal and institutional framework Enhance local and regional government capabilities Develop democratic citizenship at local and regional level
Improve the legal and institutional framework for local government 1.Objective: Sound legal basis for local government and promote fiscal decentralisation 2.Objective: Sound institutional framework 3.Objective: Sound relationship between state administration and local government
Enhance local government capabilities 5.Objective: Build up effective leadership, modernise local public administration, improve management and the provision of services at local level 6.Objective: Develop at national and local level sustainable mechanisms of in-service training of local elected representatives and local government staff
Develop democratic citizenship at local and regional level Objective 5: Promote transparency, accountability and the highest ethical standards in local politics Objective 6: Reinforce citizen participation in the decision-making process and the intercultural dialogue at local level
CoE approach to capacity-building Local Authorities Civic society Leadership and strategic management Service delivery Citizen participation Good governance National Training Strategies Capacity- building tools Community development
National Training Strategy RationalPre-conditions STRATEGY Training Needs Assessment s Training Co- ordination Facility
National Training Strategy Objectives (1) Raise standards of training and introduce a training culture Increase number and quality of trainers Develop local training capacity Develop a more demand-driven system of training
National Training Strategy Objectives (2) Broker needs and resources Encourage more investment in training Introduce new / modern methods
Capacity- building tools TOOLS Benchmark of an Effective Democratic Local Authority Best Practice; Fundamental Performance Review; Performance management Partnerships; Project Management Area Committee; Communication Strategy FOCUS Leadership and strategic management Service Delivery Civic society Citizens participation
Promoting local government reform CoE contribution Ensure legitimacy; set standards Influence legislative and institutional framework Access to expertise Collect, adapt, invent models (TOOLKIT) Facilitate sustainability and networking