Warm Up Pick a set of four numbers given and make the number 24 from the four numbers. You can add, subtract, multiply and divide. Use all four numbers on the card, but use each number only once. You do not have to use all four operations. 3, 8, 10, 4 1,1,5,6 1,2,2,4 2,3,4,8
Order of Operations (G.E.M.D.A.S)
G.E.M.D.A.S. “ ”= Grouping Symbols ( ), [ ], { } “ ”= Exponent “2 2 ” “ ”= Multiplication “6x8” “ ”= Division “9÷3” “ ”= Addition “7+5” “ ”= Subtraction “10-4”
What is G.E.M.D.A.S and why do we need it? G.E.M.D.A.S. is also know as the Order of Operations. Order of Operations is the order in which you perform mathematical operations to solve an equation/expression.
STEPS 1st: Do what is inside of grouping symbol ( ), { } or [ ]. 2nd: Simplify Exponents. 3rd: Multiply or divide from left to right. 4th: Add or subtract from left to right.
GROUPING SYMBOLS “( )”, ”[ ] or { }” Used to group equations. Parenthesis ( ) Brackets [ ] or Braces{ } 6 [100 – (5+3)2] 6 [100 – (8)2] 6 [100 – 16] 6 [ 84 ] Answer: 504
xponents “2 2 ” Used to multiply the same number repeatedly. Exponent tells how many times a base number is multiplied by itself. 5 3 = 5x5x5 =125
ultiplication “x” ivision “÷” Do multiplication and division 3rd, from left to right.
ddition “+” ubtraction “ – ” Do addition and subtraction 4th, from left to right.
Practice 6(4÷2)+3 Answer:
Practice 7+(2[2x5 2 ]-3) Answer:
Practice 18÷(6x2-9) 2 Answer:
Practice 40-(3 2 +5)÷7 Answer:
Practice (3x2-1) 3 ÷5 Answer:
75 - (36-6) = Answer:
Tips to Remember: ranny xcuse y earunt ally An easy way to remember GEMDAS is:
Evaluate the following: – 3 2 = – (3 x 5) 2 = [(5+4) ÷ (7 - 4) 2 ]= (36-6) = (2 x 5) x 5 4 ÷ 5 =